Master project: a wearable glucose monitor

Påbegynt master (4.-5. år)
Energi og elektrofag
Matte, fysikk og nanoteknologi
Type oppdrag
Informasjon om hvordan man søker
Contact prof. Dag Roar Hjelme or reach us via

GlucoSet is advertising a master thesis project in electronic engineering (prosjektoppgave og masteroppgave). The aim of this project to explore the feasibility of miniaturizing the electronic components such that the whole electronics can be integrated into a wearable device.

The main challenges to be solved during the Masterthesis are:

  • Design miniaturized optical system by using state-of-the-art optical components
  • Exploring feasibility of a miniaturized interrogator of a glucose sensor
  • Evaluate different photonic principles of spectroscopy
  • Prove the concepts by running performance tests with the existing Glucoset sensor

GlucoSet is developing glucose sensors for use in critically ill patients. We are a startup, currently with 16 full-time employees and offices and lab at Sluppen in Trondheim. The GlucoSet technology is based on inventions of Prof. Dag Roar Hjelme, who collaborates with the company.