Artistic Research Week 21.-26. oktober 2024

Artistic Research Week 21.-26. oktober 2024

Tirsdag 22. oktober


Paviljongsamtale: Å være i vann, Mellomrommet/Skiboli

Onsdag 23. oktober


"Hva vi snakker om når vi snakker om Svartlamon" - bli med på vandring


Konsert: Peter Knudsen: Expanding horizons - improvisational explorations of 20th-century classical music, Kammersalen


Kunst for en bedre verden? Cinemateket

19:00 - NTNU, campus og kunst i offentlig rom

19:30 - Alpaca Ensemble spiller Grenager: Reconstruction IV

20:00 - NTNUs kunstsatsing for en bedre verden

20:30 - Contemporary Ar(t)chaeology: Lansering av nytt nummer i VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research


Torsdag 24. oktober


Debatt/samtale: NTNUs kunstkompetanse - for en bedre kulturby, Litteraturhuset


Alpaca Ensemble - Lene Grenager: reconstruction iii/portrait of a city with sewing machines & reconstruction ii / the textile factory, Dokkhuset

Fredag 25. oktober


Alpaca Ensemble spiller Grenager: Reconstruction V, Vrimlearealet ved lille sal/Kammersalen (Olavshallen)

Installasjoner, møtesteder og utstillinger

logo for KIT, Olavshallen og Eiras Kiosk
Foto: Thor Egill Leirtrø (Eiras kiosk)


Installasjoner, møtesteder og utstillinger

Under Artistic Research Week kan du besøke flere installasjoner, møtesteder og utstillinger på ulike steder i byen.

Installasjoner, møtesteder og utstillinger

The Artistic Research Forum Expanded is a meeting place during the Artistic Research Forum and NTNU Artistic Research Week, opening up a space for experimenting with new ideas and to show work in a format complementary to the presentation format of the forum. During the NTNU Artistic Research Week we will open Galleri KIT and the Artistic Research Concept Store (Rosenborg gate 22) for events, workshops and small scale experiments organised by artistic research fellows at NTNU.

Opening hours of Forum Expanded: 
Galleri KiT, Innherredsveien 7A, Trondheim
22 October 12:00-16:00
23-24-25 October 12:00-20:00
26-27 October 12:00-16:00

Rosenborg gate 22, Trondheim
23. October 18:00 - 20:00
24-26 October 12:00-16:00

Playing Future Narratives – an AI-driven Storytelling Experience

The Futuring Together research group will host an installation featuring an AI-driven collaborative storytelling game, set in a future Trondheim and on the theme of energy transition and its many hurdles and contradictions during Artistic Research Week 2024 at NTNU.

This interactive experience invites participants to engage in short writing sessions in collaboration with AI-driven software and human-made visual essay.The project aims to examine how participants interact with AI-based storytelling, the types of narratives created and perceptions of Trondheim's future within the context of different dynamics that may arise from the energy transition.

Futuring Together is a group of artistic research PhD candidates whose works engage with futuring and narratives in different dimensions. Members include Ayodele Arigbabu, Prerna Bishnoi, Kristian Byskov, Ysabel Muñoz and Margarita Torrijos.

Galleri KiT, Innherredsveien 7A, Trondheim
22 October 12:00-16:00
23-24-25 October 12:00-20:00
26-27 October 12:00-16:00

Working session #1 
Galleri KiT, 1st Floor,
October 23, 17:00 - 18:30
This working session is open to all who want to come and share their experiences and strategies towards a just climate transition. This session emerges from initiatives by members of Forskerforbundet (FF) who are trying to build alliances across FF to take a stand against further exploration of new oil fields, and members of Unge Kunstneres Samfund (UKS) who have been working on a Climate Action Plan, and members of research projects investigating how arts and culture can address the challenges of climate justice. 

Reflection session #1
Galleri KiT, 1st Floor,
October 24, 19:00 - 23:00
The gallery is open for ARW and ARF participants for a relaxed evening with some snacks and drinks. 

Working session #2 : If the future is rural, what role can arts and culture play?
Galleri KiT, 1st Floor,
October 25, 17:00 - 18:30
This working session brings together allies and colleagues who are interested in sharing experiences and ambitions on how to build new forms of collaborations and to challenge the hierarchies of knowledge. We would like to discuss how artistic techniques and approaches can be useful in challenging conventional knowledge production that are based on extractive models. If the future is rural, what role can arts and culture play? 
Confirmed participants are Joe Lockwood, Genalguacil LAB; Emil Røyrvik, NTNU/PACESETTERS; Florian Schneider, NTNU/PACESETTERS; Annett Busch NTNU/Marginal Notes and many more. Everyone is welcome to join this working session. 

The Instrumentality Tolerance Ladder 
KIT Video Studio
lecture performance
October 23, 2024  
11:00 - 12:00
Kunstakademiet i Trondheim

The Artistic Research Concept Store

The Artistic Research Concept Store is your trusted companion in navigating the urgencies of collaborative knowledge production through the arts. Our mission is to provide you with a fine selection of tools to support your professional enquiries across and beyond disciplines. We cater to the specific needs of artistic researchers within, outside and beyond academia, providing unexpected insights while increasing the complexity of your pathways to impact. 

The Artistic Research Concept Store and the Instrumentality Tolerance Ladder is the final presentation of PhD candidate Mari Sanden and is part of the Artistic Research Forum Expanded program. 

Opening 23 October 18:00 - 20:00
24-26 October 12:00-16:00
Rosenborg gate 22, Trondheim

Blid dame som titter ut av en kiosk. Foto: Thor Egill Leirtrø

Foto: Thor Egill Leirtrø

Eiras kiosk: Skattejakt-edition

Eiras kiosk er solo-prosjektet til fiolinist og kunststipendiat Eira Bjørnstad Foss. Det er ein del av forskingsprosjektet «Performer-Curator», der Foss utforskar nye former for presentasjon og kontekstualisering av musikalsk materiale. Foss er nysgjerrig på kordan ein som kunstnar kan skape ein praksis på sida av dei eksisterande hierarkiske maktstrukturane i kunstfeltet. Som eit resultat av dette jobbar ho med prosjektet «Eiras kiosk», ein serie med mindre konsertar, lydinstallasjonar e.l. som blir annonsert kort tid i forkant og dukkar opp på stadig nye stader. Til Artistic Research Week kjem Eiras kiosk i skattejakt-utgåve, der den saman med publikum utforskar ulike krinkelkrokar i kulturhuset Olavshallen. Ved hjelp av eit skattekart og ein QR-kode kan publikum finne fram til postane som vil vere plasserte forskjellige stader på huset. Ein kan gjennomføre skattejakta når ein sjølv vil og i eige tempo, så lenge ein held seg innafor opningstidene til kiosken. Første post er kioskdøra ved Debattscenen i 1. etasje. Her vil ein kunne hente eit kart som viser veg til dei andre postane.

23. oktober: 12-18
24. oktober: 10-15
25. oktober: 10-14
Samarbeidspartnarar: Lucas Scheffer, Jonas Sjøvaag og SMØR Press.

Relaterte konferanser og forum

Relaterte konferanser og forum

Artistic Research Week går parallelt med konferansene Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2024 og Cutting Edge Kulturskole. Disse er åpne for påmeldte deltakere.

Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2024 

Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2024 finner sted 23.-25. oktober i Trondheim og på Zoom 22. oktober.

Cutting Edge Kulturskole 2024

Forskningskonferansen Cutting Edge 2024 holdes på NTNU, Institutt for lærerutdanning, campus Kalvskinnet i Trondheim, 21. og 22. oktober 2024.

Webinar: Basic introduction to the Research Catalogue - collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research

The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) hereby invites all students and staff at NTNU to a webinar on Zoom presenting a user introduction to the Research Catalogue (RC), Monday 21 October 16:00-18:00 on Zoom.


Logo: NTNU - kunnskap for en bedre verden