
  • Fix upgrade of sharelatex so it can be shared with guttorm
  • Display error message if users try to use the page without javascript activated.



  • Fix authentication and activation checks
  • Notification filter fra userprofile.
  • Remember user selection.
  • Look into subscription sorting in the table.
  • Betalings verifikasjon på mail når brukere har betalt.


  • Message if a user subscribes to a doctor with available space.
  • Admin panel crashes.
  • Work on User profile page
  • Work on payment.
  • Move report structure over to the report.

  • Lag og sett opp stripe konto
  • Verifiser mailgun konto.
  • Bilde / Logo (For bl.a Stripe)
  • FAQ og personvern sidene
  • Kansje incorporate dette inn i masteren på en måte: https://letsencrypt.org/howitworks/


  • Start working on the payment functionality
  • Get the ip to location logic working properly.
  • Add city to the remember location
  • logout bug
  • Begin working on background chapter.
  • Send a mail with information to Guttorm Sindre.


  • Add office name to the table
  • Fix Oslo sub county bug
  • Fix user doctor unsubscribe
  • Fix remembering when refreshing and after login.
  • Begin working on background chapter
  • Send a mail with information to Guttorm Sindre.


  • Contact Guttorm Sindre regarding "veiledning" from January throughout March.
  • Add another combobox when a county with sub counties is selected.
  • Add admin panel tables for displaying changes.
  • Sort counties by alphabet
  • Work on the introduction chapter


  • Re-implement subscribe functionality in the table.
  • Start working on the compare logic.
  • Contact Guttorm Sindre regarding "veiledning" from January throughout March.
  • Fix double entities in "sør-trøndelag"
  • Remember choices when refreshing.


  • Finish the interview questions
  • Work on the introduction chapter
  • Start working on the search and filter functionality


  • Fix scraper problem
  • Deploy the site to a server
  • Start working on interview questions


ToDo: Finish data-scraper, and plan to Christmas. Deliver Contract to Letizia and Faculty.


ToDo: Make a plan for the whole project, and sign the master contract.


Make research Questions


  • No labels