75 creditos = 60 ECTS-credits: Vær oppmerksom på forskjellen mellom lærestedets creditos, og det europeiske systemet med ECTS-credits. Vær sikker på at du har fått oppgitt kursene i riktig belastning (14/4-08). 1 creditos = 0,8 ECTS

Fakultet: FIB - Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (http://www.fib.upc.edu/en/masters.html)

Ref 2016: Mei Jain Fung (meijf@stud.ntnu.no), Eirik, Tor Egil Fusdahl
Q1=Quarter 1=Fall.     Q2=Quarter 2=Spring

NTNU-fag (7,5sp)
200021 - FIS - Physics7.5TFY4125 - Fysikk 2016.01.17 KSK
200142 - EDPS - Partial Differential Equations7.5TMA4135 - Matematikk 4D 2016.01.17 KSK
AMLT-MAI - Advanced Machine Learning Techniques (Q1)5TDT4173 - ML and CBR (5)50% prosjekt: Implement CBR system2016.07.22 RS
AMMM-MIRI Algorithmic Methods For Mathematical Models (Q1)6TIØ4120 - Operasjonsanalyse, grunnkursK-emne2017.01.31 RS
ANLP-MIRI Advanced Natural Language Processing (Q2)6TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team30% øving, 40% project2015.03.03 RS
AS - Software Architecture6TDT4240 - Programvarearkitektur 2016.01.17 KSK
ASDP Academic skills for developing a project (Q2)6Eksperter i Team, evt. KPro 2015.09.29 RS

ASE-MIRI - Advanced Software Engineering (Q1)

6TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesign 2015.11.15 RS
ATCI-MAI - Advanced Topics in Computation Intelligence460% prosjektEksperter i Team / Kundestyrt Prosjekt2016.01.17 KSK
BIP-IT4BI Business Intelligence Project (Q1)6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team100% project2015.09.25 RS
BSG-MIRI Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics (Q1)6TDT4287 - Algoritmer for bioinformatikk 2015.03.03 RS
CAIM - Searching and Analysis of Massive Information6TDT4117 - Information Retrieval 2017.08.07 RS
CC-MEI Cloud computing (Q2)3TDT4245 Samhandlingsteknologi og sosiale medierSEAIT-IT4BI2015.09.25 RS
CDI - Data and Image compression6TDT4195 - Visual Computing FundamentalsFyllfag. 6 uspesifiserte IT/TDT-sp 2017.07.23 RS
CIR-MAI - Cognitive Interaction with Robotics Q14.5

TDT4137 - Cognitive Architectures 
TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team

100% prosjekt2017.03.13 RS
2016.01.17 KSK
CLC-MIRI Cloud Computing (Q2)6TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur 2015.09.29 RS
CN-MIRI Computer Networks (Q1)6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt el. Eksperter i Team50% prosjekt2016.07.22 RS
CSI - Information Systems Concepts6TDT4175 Informasjonssystemer 2016.01.17 KSK
CV-MAI - COMPUTATIONAL VISION5TDT4265 - Computer Vision 2017.02.21 RS
DAKD-MIRI - Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery6TDT4117 - Information Retrieval 2016.06.11 RS
DCS - Curve and Surface Design63 sp av TDT4195. Ellers fyllfag 2017.03.23 TR
EB-MIRI E-business (Q2)6Eksperter i Team 100% project2015.09.25 RS
EEE - Business and Economic Environment6TIØ4258 Teknologiledelse 2016.01.17 KSK
FOMAR - Physically Realistic Modelling and Animation6Ingeniøremne annet Studieprogam (Kyb?)IaS2017.08.07 RS

FPEI-MEI - Financing for innovative business projects


TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team 2016.06.11 RS
IA - Artificial Intelligence6TDT4136 Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens 2016.01.17 KSK
IAS-MIRI Internet applications and security (Q1)6

IT2805 - Web Technologies (5sp)
TTM4135 Information security (1sp)

Basics. No Prog,
Crypto, keys etc.

2015.09.25 RS
ID-MEI - Digital Identity (Q2)3TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team100% prosjekt2016.07.22 RS
IDI - Interaction and Interface Design6TPD4142 - Design ThinkingPreReq: AlgDat, Math12017.08.07 RS
IR-MIRI Information Retrieval6TDT4117 - Informasjonsgjenfinning  2016.01.17 KSK
ISDCM-MEI - Internet, Security and Multimedia DISTRIBUTION (Q2)6

IT2805 - Web Technologies
TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team

30% prosjekt, skriftlig eksamen2017.03.13 RS
2016.01.17 KSK

IT-4BI - Information Technology for Business Intelligence 

  detaljert fag-beskrivelse lenket nederst-
IT-MEI - Internet of Things (Q2)3TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team100% prosjekt2016.07.22 RS
JC-MEI Computer Games (Q2)3TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team60% project2015.03.03 RS
MASD-MAI - Mutli-Agent Systems Design (Q2)4

TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team
TDT4280 - Multi Agent Systems and Game Theory

100% prosjekt
No longer taught! 
2016.01.17 KSK
2017.03.13 RS

NDVW-MAI - Normative and Dynamic Virtual Worlds (Q1)

4.5TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team100% prosjekt?2016.01.17 KSK

OTDM-MIRI Optimization Techniques for Data Mining

6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team50% Lab-work2015.03.03 RS
OD-MIRI Open Data (Q2)6

TDT4150 - Avanserte databasesystemer (6)

 2015.03.03 RS
OD-MIRI Open Data (Q2)6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team30% øvinger og presentasjoner
30% prosjekt
2016.07.22 RS
PAR - Parallelism (Compulsory)6  2017.08.07 RS
PTDMA-MEI Programming of Cell Phones and Mobile Autonomous Devices (Q2)3TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team100% project2015.03.03 RS
RES-MIRI - Requirements engineering for services (Q2)6TDT4242 Advanced software engineering (programvareutvikling) 2015.09.25 RS
RRMM-MIRI - Real-Time Rendering of Massive Models6TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualiseringRemoved 2017?2017.03.23 TR
SCA-MIRI - Supercomputers for challenging applications6TMA4280 - Superdatamaskiner, innføring i bruk 2016.06.11 RS

SEAIT-IT4BI Social and Environmental Aspects of Information Technology (Q1)

3EiT, evt. TDT4245 Samhandlingsteknologi og sosiale medier(sammen med CC-MEI)2015.09.29 RS
SI - Security in Information Technology (Q2)6TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet 2015.03.03 RS
SO - Operating Systems6TDT4186 - Operativsystemer 2016.01.17 KSK
SOBI-MIRI - Service Oriented Business Intelligence (Q1)6TDT4225 - Big, distributed data
TIØ4230 - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling
TPK5160 Risikoanalyse
 2015.03.03 RS
2017.01.31 RS
2017.01.31 RS
SM-MIRI - Service Management6TIØ4258 - TekLedGroup project2017.02.16 RS
TMIRI-MIRI - Techniques and methodology of innovation and research in IT6IT3010 - Research Innovation in CS, evt. K-emne:
0% project. Ref: Anniken Østdahl2016.07.22 RS
VBP-IT4BI - Viability of Business Projects (Q1)6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team 2015.03.03 RS

VPEI-MEI - Viobility of innovative business projects


TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt  el. Eksperter i Team 2016.06.11 RS
WS-MIRI - Web Services (Q1)6TDT4215 - Web-intelligens 2015.03.03 RS

"Pakker": Målfrid Henden Aaraas <malfridha@gmail> CAIM (4117), CSI (4175), DCS (4195/fyll), EEE (TIØ4258) + FOMAR (IaS), IA (4136), IDI (TPD4142), SI (TTM4135), PAR (4200)

 ACCompArchBDDataBasesCAIMSearching and Analysis(of Massive Information)ECCompArchEDAAlg DatICIntroduction(to Computers)IDIInteraction and(Interface Design)M1Math 1PARParallelismPEProbability and StatisticsPROPProgramming ProjectsSOOpSys

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (mortestu)

    Datateknologi 5. årig master, 4 klasse, hovedprofil Programvaresystemer - Programvareutvikling

    Jeg har funnet 6 fag fra listen som hver har 6 poeng (ECTS) = 36. Jeg mangler dermed 24 poeng som er nevnt over. (Full liste av fag)

    Jeg det mulig å få disse fagene godkjent? 




  2. Unknown User (arildsd)

    Etter å ha måtte endre på fagene mine pga timeplan konflikter er dette de nye fagene for 1. semester. AMMM er tidligere godkjent. 

    UPC fagECTSNTNU fag
    DL-MAI Deep Learning4.5
    IT3105 Kunstig intelligens programmering
    IDSS-MAI Intelligent Decision Support Systems4.5
    TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt
    CNANM-MIRI Computer Network Architectures and Network Management6
    AGT-MIRI Algorithmic Game Theory6
    AMMM-MIRI Algorithmic Methods for Mathematical Models6
    TIØ4120 Operasjonsanalyse, grunnkurs (K-emne)
    BDA-MAI Big Data Analytics4.5
    TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur (Valgbart emne) (2. Semester hos NTNU)

    Ser dette greit ut? 

    1. ok we approve this, but I do not want to lift it up in the main table. Show this comment when you come for after approval.

    2. Unknown User (arildsd)

      Fagene mine for semester 2 måtte også endres. Er dette ok? (ATCI-MIRI er tidligere godkjent) 

      UPC fagECTSNTNU fag
      ML-MIRI Machine Learning6TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering
      BDM-MIRI Big Data Management6TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur (Valgbart emne)
      PGM-MAI Probabilistic Graphical Models4.5Ingeniøremne annet studieprogram
      ATCI-MAI Advanced Topics in Computational Intelligence4Eksperter i team

      SEL-MAI Supervised and Experiential Learning4.5
      ADM-MIRI Algorithmics for Data Mining6Fyll
  3. It looks ok, but not totally for TDT4290. This is a course about software engineering and project work. Can you try to find at least a course that covers software engineering topics, like agile, testing. 

  4. Unknown User (orgesc)

    UPC CourseECTSNTNU CourseComment
    A3D-MIRI Advanced 3D Modelling6

    TTK4135 - Optimization and Control

    Student Proposal in corresponding order to the first column:

    TTK4135 - Optimization and Control

    TK8116 - Multivariate Data and Meta Modelling: Preparing for Big Data Cybernetics

    TDT4280 - Multi Agent Systems and Game Theory

    TTM4135 - Information Security

    EiT 7,5

    IT3105 - Kunstig Intelligens Programmering

    TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning

    IT3010 - Research-based Innovation Methodologies in Computer and Information Science

    ML-MIRI - Machine Learning

    6TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning

    MGTN-MIRI - Mechanisms and Game Theory in Networks


    TDT4280 - Multi Agent Systems and Game Theory

    TMIRI-MIRI - Techniques and Methodology of Innovation and Research in Informatics6IT3010 - Research-based Innovation Methodologies in Computer and Information Science
    IAS-MIRI - Internet Applications and Security6TTM4135 - Information Security
    KMLMM-MIRI - Kernel based Machine Learning and Multivariate Modeling 6TK8116 - Multivariate Data and Meta Modelling: Preparing for Big Data Cybernetics
    ATCI-MAI - Advanced Topics in Computational Intelligence
    MASD-MAI - Multiagent System Design4EiT
    CPP-MAI - Constraint Processing and Programming4.5mapped as a supplementary course to other courses.
    SEL-MAI - Supervised and Experiential Learning4.5

    IT3105 - Kunstig Intelligens Programmering

    PPAI-MAI - Practice in Artificial Intelligence3mapped to different AI courses for credit complementing

  5. Unknown User (marfr)

    Jeg har måttet bytte ut alle fag fra forhåndsgodkjenning og vet ikke helt hvordan godkjenning blir.

  6. Hi we will find together a solution for approval. can you try to identify which Ingegniøremne and which TDT emne you propose?

    1. Unknown User (marfr)

      SNM could correspond to 

      Stokastisk modellering or 

      Pålitelighet og ytelse med simulering, but do not know how to fit this to one into my plan.  

    2. Unknown User (marfr)

      Hi, I need to select courses for this semester now and I hope that I will know what subjects will be approved. Could you give me an answer for this?

    3. Unknown User (marfr)

      It would be nice if I could have some help with this. I still need to get the courses approved from my exchange semester.

  7. Unknown User (marfr)

    TDT4205 Kompilatorteknikk is the only TDT-subject I can find that has something to do with compilers for CHCP.  

    Cannot find any Ingeniøremne corresponding to SNM from the list provided at the Datateknologi web page. 

  8. Unknown User (andhauk)

    UPC-course HøstECTSNTNU-courseComment
    SOBI-MIRI Service-oriented business intelligence6TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengder
    OTDM-MIRI Optimalization techniques for data mining6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt
    IML-MAI Introduction to machine learning5IT3105 Kunstig intelligens programmering
    AIHC-MAI Artificial intelligence in health care3Ingeniøremne(?)
    BIP-IT4BI Business intelligence project6TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt
    IMAS-MAI Introduction to multi-agent systems5Fyll

    UPC-course VårECTSNTNU-courseComment
    CCBDA-MIRI Cloud computing and big data analysis6TDT4305 Big data arkitekturer
    DL-MAI Deep learning4.5TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering
    URL-MAI Unsupervised and reinforcement learning4.5Fyll
    OD-MIRI Open data6EIT
    BSG-MIRI Bioinformatics and statistical genetics6Ingeniøremne(?)
    PPAI-MAI Professional practice in AI3K-emne (FI5205 - Corporate responsibility and ethics)
  9. Unknown User (simensve)

    UPC emneECTSNTNU emneKommentar
    ISDCM-MEI Internet, Security and Multimedia Contents Distribution6Annet ingeniøremne