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Vi vil:

  • Gjør oss noen tanker om hvordan å måle krefter på båt
    • Liste opp hvilke krefter som er relevante og hvordan måle disse
    • Hvilke sensorer er relevante?
  • Se på hvordan man kan 3D scanne ting, og bruke den modellen til å lage skreddersydd utstyr?
  • Gjøre seg kjent med hvilke materialer en seilbåt er bygd av
  • Fått prøvd å seile litt?
  • Fins det litteratur på lignende cases?
  • Hva vil egt OLT? Hvilke problem kan vi hjelpe de med?
  • Hvordan funker sitski?
  • Hadde vært kult å lage en skalert modell for å komme oss inn i den mindre vindtuellen
  • Hvem kan vi snakke med/ta inspo fra?
    • Jesper Saltvik Pedersen - sitski utøver
    • NTNU marin, fins det noen der som har forsket på seilbåt?
    • NIH, fins det noen der som har forsket på sitski eller seilling?
    • Vindtunnell folka, har de sett at det har vært lignende prosjekter?
    • PhD + professor i faget produkt- og materialtesting har sikkert smarte tanker om testing av glassfiberelementer


Vi snakka litt med Eirik og fikk høre at dette vil seilfolka finne utav:

  • De tenker på teknikk og taktikk
  • Sensorrigg som gjør at man kan skjønne hva som skjer i båten med krefter på tau, båten, hvordan gjøre kryss
  • Treneren kommer til å se på disse dataene
  • Treneren følger på en rib

Eirik tenker modulær sensorrigg som kan slenges over på alpint etterpå

  • Hva kan vi måle, hvilke sensorer?
  • Sammenstilling av denne modulære sensorriggen som samle og logger data med GPS klokke
    • GPS klokke moduler
    • Vi kan begynne kablet eller gå rett på wireless

Vi MÅ måle vind, også mest sannsynlig IMU (inertial measurement unit) data, hastighet, posisjon, andre krefter
Problemstillinger som vi kommer til å møte på men ikke nødvendigvis trenger å forholde oss til enda:

  1. Utstyr må være vanntett
  2. Begrenset med plass, vil ikke fortyrre utøveren så utstyret må være smått
  3. Kapasitet

Se på krefter i ristropp, ror, seil, trip, kantring
Kamera for å gjenkjenne posisjon?

Ambisjon om å legge på video feed down the line så man lettere kan koble data til hva som faktisk skjer.

Kult om man kan ha video feed av flere utøvere

Vi skal hovedsakelig se på båter i klasse ILCA 6 og 7 (herre og dame)

Image source: 


Should we plot Velocity Made Good (VMG) like they did in this paper? The speed of the boat along the axis from starting point along the wind direction

Boat part names (image source):

6 degrees of freedom on a boat (image source):

Ideas for measuring of different factors:

    Ingen beskrivelse er tilgjengelig.


Notes while reading GNSS Applications to Assess Performance in Olympic Sailors: Laser Class (2020):

  • They evaluated Velocity Made Good (VMG) (knots), distance (km) and maneuvers (number of maneuvers) using GNSS
  • They divided performance of upwind, downwind and broad reach performance into different datasets
  • "Dinghy sailing is a sport with specific characteristics, since performance will not only be determined by the level of physical fitness of the sailor, but also by the characteristics of the boat and the weather conditions. Therefore, Olympic sailing is a complex sport in which performance is determined by the ability to understand and anticipate the weather conditions, having adequate equipment for the boat (e.g., quality sails), and the mastering of the technique and tactics"
    • Would there be any benefits to downloading weather and tidal forecasts?
  • "Among the different Olympic classes, the sailors in the Laser class are considered dynamic hikers, since, due to a high sailor-to-yacht weight ratio, they are required to sail the boat in a very dynamic manner. This monohulled-type class was designed by Bruce Kirby in 1969 and it is manned by a single athlete. The Laser class is a one-person keelboat: the weight of the boat is 59 kg, the overall length is 4.23 m, the beam length is 1.37 m and the sail in the Olympic category is different for men and women. Women compete in the Radial (5.76 m2) category and men compete in the Standard (7.06 m2) category. This is an Olympic class since 1996 and sailors compete under the One Design rule. The One Design class is controlled by World-Sailing® and the class rules are written to prevent any changes from the manufactured boat that might affect performance, ensuring that all the competing boats are the same. This rule states that all sailors must compete with the same boats and sails and, thus, under the same conditions."
  • "The sailor’s technique determines the velocity of the boat, and the VMG on the windward and leeward courses is considered the most important variable in a regatta [...] The distance traveled during the regatta is a tactical variable that determines the performance of the sailor, since higher level sailors complete the course in shorter distances. The maneuvers influence the performance of the boat, since speed decreases when they are carried out, thus the sailor must decide when to perform them, and he/she must do it efficiently in order to minimize the loss of speed."
  • Should we install camera above to evaluate technique in the surge-sway plane?
  • This dataset was collected with TracTrac. The device weighed 60 g, including mobile connection and a battery. Transmission frequency was 5 Hz.
  • They assessed the data with analysis of variance
  • "This could indicate that these (better) sailors have a better technical level, which would allow them to handle the boat more efficiently to reach higher speeds, thus keeping the boat in a planning condition, thereby reducing its hydrodynamic resistance. Some studies have shown that more successful sailors are faster and have a better pointing angle, which ca be achieved only with a higher level of physical performance, as it is known that efficient hiking is related to boat speed and boat handling performance"
    • How do they do this? How can we measure this?
    • What angle is this?
  • It is mentioned several times that better sailors sail shorter routes during the regatta, which is in line with other papers on windsurfing. They advise coaches to consider distance covered in training since maneuvers are physically demanding.


Website with forecasts of wind and flow:,63.424,10.396,5

Sailing "garmin" computers that plot IMU, speed and position with GPS

  • Vakaros
  • Sailmon


Found a cool GPS shield at TROLL, but it needs a MKR arduino board, which is expensive, and we don't have. Could it be connected with STM32 instead? → No :(

Playing around with load cells and loadcells amplifiers. SCK and CLK pin both mean SPI Clock

Found a 9DOF IMU which could measure orientation.


Notes while reading Data acquisition and analysis of ILCA 6 dinghies sailing upwind (2024):

OBS: this is a lot of copy paste from the article. Do not use this text in any reports

  • Nice to know: ILCA 6 class was known as Laser Radical before 2019, therefore most literature can be found under the keyword "laser" rather than "ILCA"
  • They used a motion capture system OptiTrack Prime to track the athletes position on an ergometer hiking bench
  • They also tested stuff on water. They downloaded meterological data of: average wind speed, maximum wind speed, and average wind direction with 5-minute intervals
  • They made a logger: M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT containing:
    • MPU6886 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), 2g-16g, 16 bit ADC, gyroscope sensitivity error: ±1%, gyroscope noise: ± 4 mdps/sqrt (Hz), accelerometer noise: 100 µg/ sqrt(Hz);
    • GPS module (u-blox M8 NEO-M8N module with reception of multiple GNSS (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou) with external antenna;
    • M5GO Battery Bottom2, expansion base for M5Core2 that provides a 500mAh lithium-ion polymer battery
  • The logger was equipped with a power bank
  • It was developed with Arduino libraries and Visual Studio Code Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with PlatformIO plug-in. When turned on, it first connects to an SSID and the GPS and is then ready to log.
  • It had a screen with instructions to be user-friendly
  • A .csv file was created as the output of every test session, and saved to an SD card. The following data was stored:
    • lattitude;
    • longditude;
    • acceleration on the three axes;
    • velocity on the three axes;
    • orientation on the three axes;
    • sensor temperature;
    • milliseconds from start;
    • iteration number;
    • UTS time stamp at the first and last line
  • The sampling frequency is set at 20 Hz for the IMU module and at 0.04 Hz for the GPS module.
  • The logger is glued in a waterproof box for electrical reasons as the M5Core2 hardware is not waterproof and the box is secured with dual lock SJ3550 adhesive tape to the aft bulkhead on the center line of the dinghy using the two jumpers as reference points
  • The firmware of the logger is available in an open-access folder on GitHub (, as well as the .csv files of the tests and the Python programs used for the elaboration of the results

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