TL is a series of informal gatherings which gives you the opportunity to explain and discuss an area of your teaching with others from different disciplines in an exchange of experiences. The meetings last for one hour, of which the first 10-15 minutes are set aside for an introductory speaker who also leads the subsequent discussion.

Anyone who is interested is most welcome to join us providing you are willing to participate and join in our discussions: this is the most important requirement!

Typical themes include,

  • Development / testing of new learning arenas
  • Learning methodology
  • From teaching to learning
  • Forms of assessment
  • Student-active learning methods and varied teaching methods
  • Activity, dialogue, interaction
  • Student follow-up
  • Dropout
  • m.m.


We have our own Wiki where you will find an overview of the upcoming  meetings: 

If you have a topic you would like to present/discuss, send a short summary to Arne Styve ( saying which of the date(s) you are available.


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