All courses you have taken at NTNU will be listed at your grades transcript. Courses taken at TU Berlin will be listed at your NTNU transcript marked with “Passed” (so without the actual grade).

As a starting point you will not be able to include more than 120 ECTS worth of courses at your NTNU diploma. You will typically take the minimum of 60 ECTS at both NTNU and TUB. However, due to different ECTS for courses in different places, it is possible that the total ECTS of a program that meets all criteria is higher than 120. Typically, this should not be more than 120 ECTS + ECTS of one additional course = 127.5.

If the total number of ECTS at NTNU is more than 60, the student can choose which 60 ECTS to include on the SESAM transcript. Any courses not selected as part of the MSc degree will not appear on their MSc diploma. Passed courses not included in a degree will appear at the bottom of the transcript under the heading “other courses”. Failed courses will neither appear either on the diploma nor on the transcript.

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