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Temaområde Miljøsystemanalyse

Oppgavenr: MSA1

Tittel: Environmental impact assessment of concrete structures used in infrastructure projects.

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs

Infrastructure projects consumes a large volume of concrete, and cement production alone contributes to more than 5% of annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
The strength of concrete structures varies with a number of variables, among them curing time. Normally we use the strength after a curing time of 28 days as the design criteria.

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

In this project, we seek a better understanding how variations in curing time would influence design of concrete structures (volume), and thus environmental impact of concrete for various purposes in infrastructure projects.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1

Kontaktperson ved IBAT:

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

This work will be in cooperation with Statens Vegvesen and Dep. Structural engineering.

Oppgavenr: MSA2

Tittel: LCA of construction machinery

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs, TBA4151 Anleggsteknikk, videregående kurs

How we use machineries in construction projects has a huge impact on greenhouse gas emissions from these projects. At the department or Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have a huge empirical dataset on costs and fuel consumption from numerous construction machines for different types of loads and work. However, this needs to further developed to also include environmental impact (LCA).

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

We need a motivated student to work develop LCA on construction machinery

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2

Kontaktperson ved IBAT:

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

Oppgavenr: MSA3

Tittel: LCA of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs, TBA4151 Anleggsteknikk, videregående kurs

Tunnels and underground spaces is important in the development of more sustainable cities. However, so far there is few studies of the environmental impact from using tunnel-boring machines. At the department or Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have some data on costs and fuel consumption from tunnel projects machines for different types of tunnel-boring. We are also in contacts with ongoing tunnel projects.

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

We need a motivated student to work on LCA of tunnels made with TBMs.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2


Kontaktperson ved IBAT:

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere: 

Oppgavenr: MSA4

Tittel: Environmental impact of geometric design of roads

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs

The geometric design of roads have a strong impact on energy consumption of road traffic. At the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have an ongoing project in cooperation with Chalmers and SVV (E39) on understanding the environmental impact from the roads geometric design. How much should we try to modify curves and elevations in order to optimize/reduce the total environmental impact from roads and traffic? How will a shift in technology from fossil to renewable energy for vehicles influence these calculations?

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

We seek a motivated student to take part in the research team, and actively work together with a PhD student in this research project.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2


Kontaktperson ved IBAT:

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

Statens Vegvesen og Chalmers

Oppgavenr: MSA5

Tittel: Life cycle assessment of winter maintenance operations in Norway

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs

In Norway, there are 55.000 km of national and state roads that need different type of maintenance and service, including winter maintenance.  The driving distance of the clearing vehicles for winter maintenance was over 19 million kilometers in 2013. I in addition 188.000 tons of salt and 575.000 tons of sand was used during winter maintenance.

At the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have an ongoing project in cooperation with Chalmers and SVV (E39) on understanding the environmental impact from the winter maintenance operations.

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

We seek a motivated student to take part in the research team, and actively work together with a PhD student in this research project.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2


Kontaktperson ved IBAT:

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

Statens Vegvesen og Chalmers

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