Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Home Page
  3. Create/Edit Event
  4. Event View Page
  5. Moderator Privileges




Admin is also a user with few more privileges than a general user.  So, admin can also perform same activities as user and more.

System administrator has to provide administrative authority to the user to access admin privileges.

Home Page

Home page has 3 tabs; Events, Articles, and Essays

  1. From Events tab events are searched with eventcode or event-hashtag. Add Events button is available to add new events.

  2. In Articles tab all the referenced articles in the Essays are available. It is also possible to manually add new articles which will be available for referencing in essays. Admin is authorized to edit and delete articles as well.

  3. Essays tab lists all the essays written by the admin or all users. It also lists the reviewed essays by the admin. Admin can edit the essays, add comment to the essays.

Create/Edit Event

Add Event button from home page redirectes to create event page. The image below shows the form for event create and edit.

Event View Page

Admin can create a sub-event for the event if the sub-event feature for the event is enabled. Also, editing the event is possible.

Admins can also block and delete any comments or questions added by the user. Blocking hides the content for the user.

Moderator Privileges

  1. Moderators can edit articles

  2. Moderators can block the comments & question which disables the visibility of the content to the user

  3. Moderators cannot edit or add events

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