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Ref: finnkj@stud. Jørstad. RS = Rune Sætre, TK = Tove Krokstad.

Konvertering fra nb (hours) == sp (study-points): 21 == 3. 42 == 5. 200 == 20. (Dvs. ca 7-10 nb pr. sp). SP = ECTS
F = Fall, S = Spring. EiT = Experts in Team.

UoFrance-fag (EURECOM semester)SPNTNU-fagKommentarOK?
ATMM (F) - Advanced topics in multimedia3IT3402 - User Interface DesignAvhengig av årets pensum2015.02.05 RS
Clouds-2015 (S) - Distributed systems and cloud computing5TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes 2015.02.05 RS
CompArch (F) - Modern computer architecture5TDT4260 - Datamaskinarkitektur 2016.06.10 RS
DSMWare-2015 (S) - Distributed software and middleware5TDT4190 - Distributed Systems (EiT)Prog-lab.

2015.02.05 RS

EmSim (F, 2015) - Emulation and simulation methodologies


TDT4250 - Model-Driven Dev of IS. Evt. TDT4260 / TDT1

Embed vs. IS. (evt. KPro)2016.08.08 RS
Entrep - Entrepreneurship and Capital-Venture 3

TIØ4230 - Entrepreneurship and Market Oriented Product Development

Christian de Frene2016.06.10 TK

Forensics - Cyber-crime and Computer Forensics - Formal specification and verification of systems (S)


TDT4237 - Software Security

 2015.02.05 RS

FormalMet-2015 - Formal specification and verification of systems (S)


TDT4252 - Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Architecture

 2015.02.05 RS

G_Theory (F) - Game Theory


TMA4180 - Optimeringsteori (IaS) 2015.02.05 RS
ImSecu (F) -Imaging for security apps watermark & biometrics3TDT4135 - Information Security 2016.08.30 RS
InfoTheo (F) - Information Theory5Which NTNU-class? -

Innov (F) - Innovation & new product development

3TIØ4230 - Entrepreneurship and Market Oriented Product Development 2016.08.08 RS
Japansk Intro1JAP0501 - Japanese 1 2016.08.08 RS
MALIS-2015 (S) - Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems5

TDT4136 - Intro to AI (67% covered)

Using C/C++. MALIS krever ingen forkunnskaper.
2015.02.17 RS
MALIS-2015 (S) - Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems5TDT4171 - Methods in AI -2 (20% covered)Different focus!2016.06.10 RS
MALIS-2015 (S) - Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems5TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning (50%)TDT4173 bygger på 2 AI-fag, og inneholder CBR2015.11.17 RS
ManagIntro (F) - Introduction to Managment5EiT 2015.10.07 RS

MathEng (F) - Essential Mathematical Methods for Engineers


TMA4135 - Math 4 D

Signal processing. Fourier & Laplace

2016.08.08 RS
MMIR (F) - Multimedia indexing and retrieval3TDT4215 - Web-intelligens (20%)IR, Project etc.  Jørstad2016.06.10 RS
MobCom (F) - Mobile communication techniques5Which NTNU-class? 


MobServ (F) - Mobile application and services5TDT49 - Mobile Information Systems 2016.08.08 RS
Netw_I (F) - Introduction to computer networking and internet5TTM4100 - Communication - Services and Networks 2016.08.08 RS

Optim (F) - Fundamentals of optimization


TMA4180 - Optimeringsteori (IaS) 2015.02.05 RS
OS (F) - Operating systems5TDT4186 - Operativsystemer 2016.08.08 RS

ProjMan-2015 Project management (S)


TDT4252 - Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Architecture

 2015.02.05 RS
SecCom (F) - Secure Communications5

TDT4237 - Software Security


2015.02.05 RS
SecCom (F) - Secure Communications5TTM4135 - Information Security 2015.11.17 RS
SecAppli-2015 (S) - Security applications in networking and distributed systems3

TDT4237 - Software Security

 2015.02.17 RS
SecAppli-2015 (S) - Security applications in networking and distributed systems3TDT4215 - Web-intelligens 2015.02.17 RS
SoftDev (F) - Software development methodologies5TDT4290 - KPro  2015.02.05 RS
Stat (F) - Statistical Data Analysis3

TMA4240 - Statistikk (1,5sp)

Regresjon og variasjonsanalyse

2015.10.07 RS
Stat (F) - Statistical Data Analysis3TMA4255 - Applied Statistics (1,5sp)Regresjon og variasjonsanalyse2015.10.07 RS

UMLEmb-2014 (F) - UML for Embedded Systems


TDT4250 - Model-Driven Development of Information Systems (KPro)

Embed vs. IS2015.02.05 RS

WebInt (F) - Human-computer interaction for the Web: interaction design and user evaluation


IT3402 - User Interface Design


2015.02.05 RS

WebSem-2015 (V)

TDT4215 - Web-intelligens 2015.01.27 RS
ADST (F) - Advanced data science topics Dette har et lignende fokus som våre teorimoduler, men emne og omfang må godkjennes av masterveileder. Omfang i ECTS er ikke oppgitt, men innholdsmessig kan det se ut som en av våre teorimoduler (3,75 sp) 2017.05.04 TR
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