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The partners in the INSTEM project all have extensive experience of EU projects in relation to science education and the project idea is based on this experience. Partners recognised that the effectiveness of their individual projects is limited by the size of their own networks and the fact that changes in education need time, and therefore developed INSTEM, a Comenius Network with the overall goal of maximum valorisation of project results and of developing a sustainable strategy for the implementation of inquiry-based STEM education. Partners of INSTEM have shared the common aim of improving Science education across Europe and INSTEM is key to this aim.

To maximise the European added value of this investment, INSTEM has linked key players in Science education in order to cooperate in promoting innovation and best practice and to jointly reflect on how to overcome obstacles. More precisely, INSTEM is a network of networks which links 32 Comenius projects, networks and FP 7 projects (as partners and associated partners) and allows to disseminate their results not only in their own networks but in this meta-network.

INSTEM thus effectively – for the first time – has synthesized experiences from the Lifelong Learning Programme and the 7th Framework Programme FP7 (Science in Society), which leads to impressive synergies.

Projects of the partners:

  • PRIMAS (FP7 / University of Education Freiburg / 2010-2013)

Partners of INSTEM are all experienced in international collaboration and most of them were coordinators of earlier big international projects (PH FR, NTMU, LFU, UOL, DCU, UNEXE). Furthermore, almost all partners have an extensive experience in collaborating as partners in international projects. These include projects like Primas, COMPASS, LEMA, S-Team, ESTABLISH, INQUIRE, PARSEL, PENCIL, TRACES, SAILS, Fibonacci, CreativeLittleScientists or SIS CATALYST. In the following you find information about all the mentioned projects.

Projects of the partners:


PRIMAS (FP7 / University of education Freiburg / 2010-2013)

The PRIMAS project is about bringing innovation to 21st century education and thus it aims to effect change across Europe in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science by supporting teachers to develop inquiry-based learning pedagogies so that in turn, pupils gain first-hand experience of scientific inquiry. Ultimately, the project’s objective is that a greater number of pupils will have a more positive disposition towards the further study of these subjects and the desire to be employed in related fields. To this end the project provides materials, professional development and works with teachers, parents, students and policy makers.




  • Education Freiburg / 2009-2011


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  • LEMA (Comenius / University of Education Freiburg / 2006-2009)

LEMA (Learning and Education in and through Modeling and Applications) was an EU Comenius funded project in which mathematics educators from six countries worked to produce materials to support teachers’ professional development. LEMA supported teachers with development of their pedagogic practice in mathematical modeling and applications by developing a teacher‐training course. Current good practice across partner nations was captured to inform the development.



  • SiS Catalyst (FP7/MML action plan/ University of Liverpool / 2010-2014)
  • Creative Little Scientists: Enabling Creativity through Science and Mathematics in Preschool and First Years of Primary Education (FP7 / Ellinogermaniki Agogi (co-ordinator) / 2011-2014)
  • SUSTAIN - Supporting Science Teaching Advancement through Inquiry (EU Comenius multilateral network / National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics / 2013-2015)
  • i-BEST - Inquiry-Based Education in Science and Technology (National project / National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics / 2013-2016)
  • ESTABLISH (2010-2014)
  • PATHWAY (FP7 / Ellinogermaniki Agogi (partner) 2011-2013)
