Creative Little Scientists: Enabling Creativity through Science and Mathematics in Preschool and First Years of Primary Education (FP7 / Ellinogermaniki Agogi (co-ordinator) / 2011-2014)

The project goal was to investigate the relation existing between inquiry learning and teaching and creativity development on one side and the teaching of science and mathematics on the other side, in preschool and the first years of primary school, in nine European countries. 


  • Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Coordinator) (GR)
  • Institute of Education, University of London (UK)
  • Open University (UK)
  • Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln (UK)
  • University of Eastern Finland (FI)
  • Artevelde University College (BE)
  • Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)
  • University of Minho (PT)
  • National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (RO)
  • Université de Picardie Jules Verne (FR)
  • University of Malta (MT)
  • Universität Bonn (DE)

The research was performed on several levels, in order to assemble the complex picture of this phenomenon:

  1.  a literature review, done on:
    ·   science and mathematics education in preschool and early years of primary school;
    ·   creativity in education;
    ·   teacher training for early years educators and primary school teachers;
    ·   comparative education;
  2.  a policy review, to pick up the major messages official documents carry on inquiry and creativity in early education;
  3.  a teachers’ survey, to assess teachers believes and attitudes on the subject;
  4.  a field research, to evaluate how the policy and teachers approaches on the subjects are practically implemented.

At each project stage, national reports on the investigated issues were prepared and a project summarizing report was developed and published. In the final stage, the project international team elaborated a set of curriculum design principles, along with some teachers training templates. The principles derived from project activities were tested during a Summer School for primary and preschool science and mathematics teachers. The project concludes with a final report and a collection of recommendations on the subject, targeting policy makers and all interested stakeholders. Some of these materials were translated into partners’ national languages. The project activities were finalized with an international conference.

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