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Ref 2015: karies@stud. 2016: Mathias Iden
IST Institute of Technology

IT3402 Design av grafisk brukergrensesnittSIRS Network and Computer SecurityGPI Information Systems Project Management KProAVExe Group project 
ISTechnico-fag (Lisboa)sp.NTNU-fagKommentarOK?

AAva - Advanced Algorithms

7.5TDT4125 Algoritmekonstruksjon  

AGI It Infrastructure Management and Administration


TDT4252 Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon

 2016.05.24 RS

AOBD - Data Administration in Information Systems


TDT4150 - Adv DBMS

 2016.05.27 RS

AOBD - Data Administration in Information Systems

7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitekturBare NoSQL overlap2016.05.27 RS
AOSI - Org-Architecture of Enterprise Information Systems7.5

TDT4252 - Enterpr_Arch_Innov


2015.02.03 RS

AOSI - Org-Architecture of Enterprise Information Systems7.5TDT4250 - Avansert Programvaredesign 2015.02.03 RS
APFSI - Enterprise Architecture7.5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt 2018.02.20 LJ
ASInt - Internet Based Systems Architecture6TDT4290 - KProProject (50%)2015.04.24 RS
ASof - Software Architectures7.5


 2015.02.03 RS
AOSI - Organizational Architecture of Enterprise Information Systems

AVExe - Cloud Computing and Virtualization


TDT4252 - EnterprArchInnov


2015.02.03 RS

EiT45% Group? project2016.05.27 RS

CCU - User Centered Design

67.5IT3402 - Design av grafisk brukergrensesnitt 2016.05.24 RS

CMU - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

7.5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt 50% prosjekt2017.03.22 TR

CPD - Parallel and Distributed Computing


TDT4200 Parallelle beregninger

  2015.02.03 RS
EBT - Technology Based Entrepreneurship7.5TDT4290 - KPro 2015.05.19 RS
EITT - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer6TDT4290 - KProProject based2015.04.24 RS

EE-Ead - Engineering Economics


TIØ4146 - Finance for Science and Technology Students

 2016.05.27 RS
ETPN - Business Process Management7.5

TDT4251 - EnterprArchInnov


2015.08.28 JK

GCAO - Knowledge Management and Organization Learning6TDT4290 - KPro Individual Work: 50%
Group Workwork: 50%
2015.02.03 RS

GPI - Information Systems Project Management (2015)
GPI - IT Project Management (2006)

7.5Same as “IS 2010.4 IS Project Management”
TDT4290 - KPro

Project (40%)

2015.02.03 RS

HW - Hardware/Software Co-Design

6TDT4258 Maskinnær Programmering 2016.05.24 RS
QS - Software Quality67.05TDT4290 - KPro Group Project (50%)2015.02.03 RS2016.05.24 RS

PADI - Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications

7.5TDT4250 Avansert Programvaredesign  

SAut - Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent systems


TDT4137 Kognitive arkitekturer


SEI Enterprise Integration

 7,5EiT 2018.02.20 LJ
SIDS - Seminars on Innovation and Sustainable Development6TDT4252 - EnterprArchInnovInnovation part2015.08.28 RS

SIRS - Network and Computer Security

7.5TDT4237 - Software Security 2015.04.24 RS

SIRS - Network and Computer Security

7.5TTM4135 Information Security  2016.05.27 RS
SIDS -  Seminars on Innovation and Sustainable Development6TDT4290 - KProProject (50%)2015.05.19 RS

TVS - Software Testing and Validation

CCU User Centered Design


TDT4242 AdvSE - Avansert Programvareutvikling

  2016.05.27 RS
TIS - Health ICT7.5

TDT4237 Programvaresikkerhet


PADI Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications

7.5TDT4250 Avansert Programvaredesign  
QS Software specification7.5TDT4290 KPro

Skal dekke 50% av KPro. Group project

TDT4210 - TIS er ikke helt likt TDT4210, men er klart relevant for en master innen helseinformatikk. 2017.03.23 TR

CVI - Interactive Visual Communication

7.5TDT4290 Skal dekke 50% av KPro 

AGI It Infrastructure Management and Administration


TDT4252 Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon


HW Hardware/Software Co-Design

6TDT4258 Maskinnær Programmering  

SAut Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent systems


TDT4137 Kognitive arkitekturer


TVS Software Testing and Validation


TDT4142 Avansert Programvareutvikling


CPD Parallel and Distributed Computing


TDT4200 Parallelle beregninger

- Kundestyrt prosjekt (3,75 sp)40% prosjekt, 30% øvinger2017.03.23 TR

PCM - Multimedia Content Production

7.5Multimediafag. K-emne. 2017.03.23 TR
AVExe - Cloud Computing and Virtualization7.5EiTTDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur


AAva Advanced Algorithms

7.5TDT4125 Algoritmekonstruksjon  

2018.02.13 LJ

2021.02.05 SEB

Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications7.5TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengder 2018.02.13 LJ

AOBD Data Administration in Information Systems 


TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur