Ref 2015: karies@stud. 2016: Mathias Iden
IST Institute of Technology

ISTechnico-fag (Lisboa)sp.NTNU-fagKommentarOK?

AAva - Advanced Algorithms

7.5TDT4125 Algoritmekonstruksjon  

AGI It Infrastructure Management and Administration


TDT4252 Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon

 2016.05.24 RS

AOBD - Data Administration in Information Systems


TDT4150 - Adv DBMS

 2016.05.27 RS

AOBD - Data Administration in Information Systems

7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitekturBare NoSQL overlap2016.05.27 RS
AOSI - Org-Architecture of Enterprise Information Systems7.5

TDT4252 - Enterpr_Arch_Innov


2015.02.03 RS

AOSI - Org-Architecture of Enterprise Information Systems7.5TDT4250 - Avansert Programvaredesign 2015.02.03 RS
APFSI - Enterprise Architecture7.5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt 2018.02.20 LJ
ASInt - Internet Based Systems Architecture6TDT4290 - KProProject (50%)2015.04.24 RS
ASof - Software Architectures7.5


 2015.02.03 RS

AVExe - Cloud Computing and Virtualization

7.5EiT45% Group? project2016.05.27 RS

CCU - User Centered Design

7.5IT3402 - Design av grafisk brukergrensesnitt 2016.05.24 RS

CMU - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

7.5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt 50% prosjekt2017.03.22 TR

CPD - Parallel and Distributed Computing


TDT4200 Parallelle beregninger

EBT - Technology Based Entrepreneurship7.5TDT4290 - KPro 2015.05.19 RS
EITT - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer6TDT4290 - KProProject based2015.04.24 RS

EE-Ead - Engineering Economics


TIØ4146 - Finance for Science and Technology Students

 2016.05.27 RS
ETPN - Business Process Management7.5

TDT4251 - EnterprArchInnov


2015.08.28 JK

GCAO - Knowledge Management and Organization Learning6TDT4290 - KPro Group work: 50%2015.02.03 RS

GPI - Information Systems Project Management (2015)
GPI - IT Project Management (2006)

7.5Same as “IS 2010.4 IS Project Management”
TDT4290 - KPro

Project (40%)

2015.02.03 RS

HW - Hardware/Software Co-Design

6TDT4258 Maskinnær Programmering 2016.05.24 RS
QS - Software Quality7.5TDT4290 - KProGroup Project (50%)2016.05.24 RS

PADI - Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications

7.5TDT4250 Avansert Programvaredesign  

SAut - Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent systems


TDT4137 Kognitive arkitekturer


SEI Enterprise Integration

 7,5EiT 2018.02.20 LJ
SIDS - Seminars on Innovation and Sustainable Development6TDT4252 - EnterprArchInnovInnovation part2015.08.28 RS

SIRS - Network and Computer Security

7.5TDT4237 - Software Security 2015.04.24 RS

SIRS - Network and Computer Security

7.5TTM4135 Information Security  2016.05.27 RS
SIDS -  Seminars on Innovation and Sustainable Development6TDT4290 - KProProject (50%)2015.05.19 RS

TVS - Software Testing and Validation


TDT4242 AdvSE - Avansert Programvareutvikling

 2016.05.27 RS
TIS - Health ICT7.5TDT4210 - TIS er ikke helt likt TDT4210, men er klart relevant for en master innen helseinformatikk. 2017.03.23 TR

CVI - Interactive Visual Communication

7.5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt (3,75 sp)40% prosjekt, 30% øvinger2017.03.23 TR

PCM - Multimedia Content Production

7.5Multimediafag. K-emne. 2017.03.23 TR
AVExe - Cloud Computing and Virtualization7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur


2018.02.13 LJ

2021.02.05 SEB

Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications7.5TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengder 2018.02.13 LJ
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (stinfor)

    AVExe - Cloud Computing and Virtualization7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur

    Forslag til fag

    Data Analysis and Integration7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitekturForslag til fag
    Information Visualization7.5TDT4305 Big Data-arkitekturForslag til fag
    Data Administration in Information Systems7.5TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengderForslag til fag
    Parallel and Distributed Computing7.5TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengderForslag til fag
    Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications7.5TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengderForslag til fag
    1. 2 have been approved (see above) - changes can happen while the student is in Lisboa

  2. Unknown User (lmreppen)

    Forslag til fag


  3. Unknown User (halvorbm)

    Machine Learning 7.5TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering Forslag til fag 
  4. Unknown User (ingeboss)

    ISTechnico-fag (Lisboa)





    Information Visualization


    TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt

     40% prosjekt med tilhørende lab 25%

    (1. sem)

    EBT - Technology Based Entrepreneurship



    TIØ - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling

    (1. sem)

    CVI - Interactive Visual Communication



    40% prosjekt og 30% lab som også er i grupper

    (2. sem)

    TVS - Software Testing and Validation 7.5


    (2. sem)

    (Apre - Machine learning)7.5

    TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering 

    Ser ikke at det ligger i oversikten over, kun som en kommentar.

    (2. sem)

  5. Unknown User (oeigland)

    IAJ - Artificial Intelligence In Games

    7.5IT3105 - Kunstig Intelligens ProgrammeringForslag til fag
  6. Unknown User (simensve)

    IST fagsp.NTNU fagKommentar
    Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing7.5EiT
    Interactive Visual Communication7.5EiT