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Vi skal i år bruke et online krav-skjema istedenfor de gamle PDF-filene som vi har hatt en del trøbbel med de siste årene.

Filling out the form before 20 August 2022:

Kravskjema lokale lønnsforhandlinger 2022


  1. The framework for the local negotiations is 2.46%. On average our members can expect to receive an addition as this percentagea comparable salary increase.
  2. Part A part of this frame money will be used for general additions, the rest for individual raiseraises. 
  3. In addition, many job categories receive 1.1% in the first 10 years as employees (salary ladder).
  4. New: UNIO has now a common collective agreement with Akademikerne. This was as expected. LO and YS are also in the process of adapting to many of the elements of our agreement.
  5. New: Some job categories now have a salary ladder from 10-16 years that gives an extra 0.55% in addition these years.
  6. In last year's salary negotiations, we made demands for many members who did not submit claim forms. We will do this year also now in 2022. 
  7. Employees with a start date after 1.3.2021 have just had a salary assessment ("one-year assessment") and are normally not covered by individual raise now. They will receive the general supplement.
  8. Postdocs can submit individual claims.
  9. For PhD candidates , will receive a general raise plus a 3% automatic pay increase will be given depending on the start datefrom the month they started. Since this is better wage growth a greater salary increase than other groups, individual additions to salary increases for PhD candidates are not granted.
  10. The reason why we have 2.46% for distribution while one can read that the national salary agreement was 3.84% is what one calls due to what is known as “overheng, glidning” and glidning,” and the effect of timing of salary raises. E.g. the supplements of 1.1% and 0.55% for some job categories as well as the automatic 3% for PhD candidates.    


  1. De viktigste feltene å fylle inn helt riktig er: Lønns/Ansatt-nummeret ditt, krav til ny lønn og evt stillingskode, og de kortfattede fritekst begrunnelsene.
    1. The most important information is your salary/employee number, your desired new salary and potentially new job title, and the short free text reasons.

  2. Legg merke til at Akademikerne har avskaffet Lønnstrinn, så alle krav må oppgis som 100% årslønn (som så må ganges med stillingsprosent for å få faktisk utbetalt årslønn før skatt).
    1. Note that Akademikerne are not using pay-grades, so all claims must be given as 100% yearly salary (which should be multiplied by the employment percentage to get actual salary before tax).

Akademikerne og UNIO i statlig sektor er blitt enige med arbeidsgiver om et lønnsoppgjør som i snitt gir 2,46% med virkningsdato fra 1. mai 2022. Sammen skal vi forhandle om lønnen til 8500 ansatte i år.
LO+YS ble enige om en ramme for 2022 på 1.7-2.0% for lønninger over 500.000, og 0,85% til individuelle forhandlinger på NTNU, for sine 1500 medlemmer.

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