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 2017: 3cred = 5 ECTS. 4cred = 6,5 ECTS. 5 cred = 8,25 ECTS (1,65*5). Gnag-DB 2008 er utdatert for "Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María"

link to conversion table https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SHbcr7tEuqdzFRMDkzcmJ6S2s/view 

University of X-fagFagnavnsp. av 7,5IDI-fagKomm.Godkjent
HFW126Spansk5K-emne? 2017.08.30 RS
IEI 234

System Analysis Workshop, Odd semesters (Spring)

To pass the course, students will be able to:
· Apply the principles and concepts of systems theory, organizational theory and management,
· Apply the principles and methodological approaches of the phases of requirements specification and analysis of information systems and
· Troubleshoot real analysis of information systems in an organization.
Project work

6,5 TDT4290 KPro / EiT 2015.12.14 RS

Systems Design Workshop, Even semestres (Fall)

To pass the course, students will be able to:
· Solve real computer in an organization
· Apply the principles and methodological approaches and design phases
· Implementation of an information system


TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling

TDT4290 KPro / EiT


2015.12.14 RS

2015.12.14 RS


Information Retrieval (4)

To pass the course, students will be able to:
· Describe the various organizations file
· Explain the relationship of the storage and retrieval of information systems and organize information logically and physically in data files.
1. General concepts of storage and retrieval (eleven. Data and information) 1.2. Physical and logical organization of data 1.3. Storage devices 1.4. Storage and retrieval
2. Organizations based file primary key 2.1. Sequential files 2.2. Indexed sequential files 2.3. Direct Files 2.4. Tree-structured files
3. Organizations based file secondary key 3.1. Indexing techniques 3.2. Multilist files 3.3. Inverted files
4. Introduction to the architecture of information on websites 4.1. Organization information 4.2. Navigation systems 4.3. Search systems
5. Planning 5.1. Intercalation 5.2. External sorting

6,5TDT4117 - Information Retrieval 2015.12.14 RS

Programming Workshop, Elective

Upon successful completion of the course the student will know and be able to apply the fundamental techniques of problem solving using the computer, structured programming and programming on the Internet.
1 Algorithms and problem solving: algorithms, pseudo code, graphic representation, documentation, indentation, programming techniques: top-down analysis, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer.
2. C language: structure of a C program, statements, comments, data types, basic statements, control structures.
3. Pascal: a Pascal program structure, statements, comments, data types, basic statements, control structures.
4. Modular design: subroutines, functions, parameters by value and by reference, local variables and global variables, recursion.
5. Internet Programming basic networking concepts, uniform resource location (URL), programming languages on the Internet, web design, design of data collection forms

5TDT4290 KPro 2015.12.14 RS

Software Engineering

The student acquires strategies for the systematic, effective and efficient construction of effective and efficient software systems. The student develops the ability to use engineering and management techniques for all disciplines of software production, carrying out the partial development in teams of a specific application.

• Exhibition classes with visual media support.
• Task-based learning associated with a group-project.
• Study of cases.
• Classroom discussions on state of the art in Software Engineering and Architecture.

5TDT4290 KPro  2017.03.03 TR

Software Development Workshop, Even semestres (Fall)

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Teamwork experience for an IT project.
2. Knowing edge software.
3. Build an application in a different discipline with the software studied.
1. Formulation of computer project.
2. Computer as a business entrepreneur.
3. Study edge software.
4. Requirements specification.
5. Design and construction of a software product.
6. Exhibition built product.
METHODOLOGY: Centered learning by doing, teamwork and exposure product built on a Software Fair open to the community.


TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling

TDT 4290 KPro


2015.12.14 RS


Operative Systems, Both semestres 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
describe the building blocks that make up an operating system, explain memory management and file system, inform the design of software and systems, efficiently use a computer system
1. Introduction, history 2. Basics 3. Process 3.1. models 3.2. Implantation 3.3. Communication 3. 4. itineration 4. Process synchronization 4.1. critical regions 4.2. Traffic lights 4.3. monitors 5. Deadlocks 6. Memory Management 6.1. Modeling and analysis 6.2. swapping 6.3. Virtual Memory: replacement algorithms, segmentation model working set 7. File Systems: Structure, types, access, attributes, directories, implementation,
Disk space management 8. Input and Output 9. Hardware and software 10. Records and terminals

6,5TDT4186 - Operativsystemer 2015.12.14 RS

Programming languages


  • General introduction to the development of the programming languages.
  • Functional programming.
  • Logical and declarative programming.
  • Elements of formal languages in the design of programming languages.
  • Data types in different programming languages.
  • Expressions and control structures.
  • Abstract data types and object-oriented programming.
  • Scripting languages.


This subject is part of the curriculum of the Civil Engineering Computer Science course, leading to the Degree in Engineering Sciences. The purpose of this is to provide the most relevant concepts associated with language design and the main programming paradigms, which allow the student to critically evaluate different programming languages and choose the most appropriate one, to solve a certain type of programming problem and to facilitate learning new languages.


  • Classify the programming languages, identifying their main paradigms of programming.
  • Critically evaluate the main programming languages, considering their design elements.
  • Select the most appropriate programming language, analyzing the type of problem to be solved.
  • Incorporate new programming languages into their professional training, applying learning autonomy skills.
  • Develop the solution of at least one problem that represents each of the programming paradigms, programming in the corresponding language.
6,5TDT4165 - Programmeringsspråk 2017.03.08 TR

Information Systems, Both semestres 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
· Explain the different methodological approaches to the analysis and development of systems
· Analyze systems using different approaches
· Specify requirements and building systems
1. The origin of the need to develop systems
2. Methodologies for the development of computer systems
3. Definition and systems analysis
4. Approaches to systems analysis
5. The various components of the requirements specification and construction

5TDT4175 - Informasjonssystemer 2015.12.14 RS

Artificial Intelligence, Odd semestre (Spring)

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the basics in Artificial Intelligence.
2. Develop linear and nonlinear models to real-world problems.
3. Discuss the complexity of solving some problems and utility tools from the Artificial Intelligence for resolution.
4. Experiment with complete and incomplete search techniques.
1. Concepts based on Intelligent Agents.
2. Formulation of Combinatorial Models: history, classical optimization problems with combinatorial constraint satisfaction (CSOP) and its relation to real-world problems,as VRP, TSP.
3. Algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP): Filter Techniques: Arc Consistency, Consistency path, MAC. Resolution: Backtracking. Hybrid with Memorization Techniques with learning, using Decomposition
4. Incomplete techniques in search of the optimum: Local search: Hill Climbing, Greedy Search. metaheuristics: Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms Intelligence, Social Intelligence.
5. Trends in current research.

5TDT4136 - Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens 2015.12.14 RS
INF 236

Analysis And Software Design, Even semesters (Fall)

Thematic contents
• Dynamic Modeling: Collaborations, Streams, States, Activities.
• Object Orientation: objects, types / polymorphism, class / inheritance.
• Preliminary Design: class models.
• Technical design: object-oriented frameworks, design patterns.
• Design Patterns for Web Systems: presentation, concurrency, persistence.
• Quality of design: metrics, design reviews, traceability.
• Software Requirements

Contribution to the graduate profile
• Designing, modeling, create, evaluate and implement alternative layered computer technology solutions, from the analysis of specific problems in any area of business.
• Integrate, manage and coordinate project teams to implement computer technology solutions, managing human, technical, financial and time resources to ensure compliance with the objectives.

Learning Outcomes to be achieved in this course
• Evaluate software design models regarding requirements and intrinsic quality.
• Apply fundamental abstractions of object orientation: inheritance and polymorphism.
• Develops functional requirement specifications for Web systems in terms of use cases.
• Make structural and dynamic models of object-oriented software from specifications of use cases.
• Recognizes design patterns applicable to specific situations design software.

5TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesignNytt fag i år2015.12.14 RS

Designing User Interfaces, Both semestres

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Know the general concepts of the complex interaction between people and computers.
2. Design, implement, manage, maintain and refine the user interfaces of interactive computer systems. Interactive computer.
1. Human Factors of interactive software.
2. Theories, principles and guidelines.
3. Management of design processes.
4. Test and study of usability.
5. Building Tools interface.
6. Direct manipulation and virtual environments.
7. Select the menu and forms.
8. Time and speed of response.
9. Presentation: function and style.
10. manuals, online help and reference guides.
11. Exploration and visualization of information.
12. Hypermedia and WWW.
13. Impact of social and individual user interfaces.

5IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnittForelesninger + prosjekt2015.12.14 RS

Software Production Workshop, Elective

In adopting this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply advanced engineering techniques to develop a software project;
2. Develop communication skills with the client;
3. Apply user-centered design for interface development.
1. Effective communication with the client.
2. User-Centered Design: needs analysis techniques, design and testing of user interface.
3. Methods of quality assurance.
4. Advanced Project Management.

6,5TDT4290 KProProsjektbasert samarbeid.2015.12.14 RS

Software Architecture, Elective 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand software architectures as guides for building systems.
2. To evaluate, compare and improve specifications of architecture and structures they denote, with intrinsic quality criteria (technical) and extrinsic (goals).
3. Develop and describe software architectures from functional and systemic properties.
4. Distinguish the architectural issues of those who are not, and articulately explain the basics of the discipline.
5. Propose architectures for specific situations.
Context of architectural activities in software development process;
Iterative and incremental models; view notions and notation.
Scenarios and tactics to define and achieve qualitative attributes. Qualities of the specification, architecture, system and process.
Models, frameworks and reference architectures. Architectural styles and patterns
Documentation Architectures: rules, types and styles, views.
Evaluation methods of architecture.
Architecture and middleware. Using Components. Product Lines.
Architect Roles and organizational structure. Open problems in the discipline.
Lectures, parceled projects during the semester, periodic reports on intermediate readings and presentations of projects. The aim is to know the state of the art in the design, specification and evaluation of software architectures, and practice in the context of projects monitored.

5TDT4240 - ProgramvarearkitekturForelesninger + prosjekter.2015.12.14 RS

Technological Data for Business Intelligence, Elective

OBJECTIVES: (3 to 6)
To pass the course, students will be able to:
• Understand the importance of decision making in the work of an organization, and the role of information systems in it.
• Understand the concepts and activities present in the life cycle of a Data Warehouse as a basic component of a system to support decision making.
• Understand the different ways to access data from a data warehouse, emphasizing the OLAP analysis and data mining, and analyzing their application to real situations.
CONTENTS: (Name of chapters or topics listed, between 4 and 10)
1. Introduction to Decision Making and Business Intelligence.
2. Conceptual Aspects of Data Warehousing: Basic Concepts. Life Cycle of a Data Warehouse. Design and Management of a Data Warehouse.
3. Physical aspects of the Data Warehouse: multidimensional data model. Implementing a Data Warehouse.
4. Data Mining: Discovery Process Information. Data mining techniques. Applications of Data Mining (CRM, Web Mining, etc.).

5TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift 2015.12.14 RS

Process of creation of video games

• Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
• Creative ability.
• Design, propose and manage innovative solutions in the field of entertainment.
• Work in multidisciplinary teams.
• Commitment to quality and continuous improvement.
• Be effective in oral and written communication.

Lectures complemented with:
• Practical case to work in team around the design of a video game, taking from the definition of the objective of the game to its artistic specification going through the technical specification, taking into account that the resulting product must be user centered.
• Demonstrations of real cases (videogames) related to the subject view class to class.
• Individual exercises within the class to reinforce the topics covered in it.

5EiT 2017.03.03 TR

Graphic Computation, Elective

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1 Handle the basics of computer graphics hardware, software and applications.
2 Apply programming techniques in programming languages like C / C ++ and Java / Java 3D
in graphics applications.
3 Implement data structures for graphics applications.
4 Develop programs using graphics libraries such as OpenGL / GLUT / GLUI
1. Systems graphics and models.
2. Programming graphics applications.
3. Data input and interaction.
4. Geometric objects and transformations.
5. Three-dimensional view.
6. Human vision system and color.
7. Models lighting.
8. Methods of presentation surfaces.
9. Working with models.

5TDT4195 - Grunnleggende visuell databehandling

Dekker 50% grafikk

Prøv å finne datasyn også

2015.12.14 RS


Seminario de Sistemas Distribuidos

Distributed systems seminar

General objective:
Investigate security in distributed systems, from a security perspective in systems and software applications.

Learning objectives:
At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Explain fundamental concepts about information security. Know and understand the main threats about information systems and forms of defense.
  • Understand the main security risks in the software and know the countermeasures to mitigate these risks.
  • Apply the concepts of safety patterns in the model and the specification of attacks and defenses.
  • Apply the acquired knowledge in the development of a research work and write an artwork (paper).


  1. Introduction to Information Security (2). Basic Concepts of Information Security.
    Threats, attacks and defenses. Security Services. Security domains. Industrial standards. Trends. Research topics.
  2. Encryption (6). General concepts. Symmetric cryptosystems. Public key cryptosystems.
    Authentication of messages. Digital signature. Key exchange protocols. Public Key Infrastructure. Applications of cryptography.
  3. Access Control (2). Identification and Authentication. Passwords. Access Control Models.
    Flow Control Models of Information. DAC, MAC and ABAC.
  4. Software Security (4). Security in the Software Lifecycle. Development methodologies.
    Industrial standards (SAMM and BSIMM). Software Architecture. Modeling of threats and risk assessment. Coding. Tests. Penetration tests. Ethical hacking. Application firewall. Main risks in Web applications. Risk classifications (OWASP and WASC, Microsoft).
  5. Architecture and Security Patterns (2). Patterns in software systems. Reference architecture. Safety standards. Patterns of abuse.
  6. Security in Communication Networks (4). Security in TCP / IP. Firewall (Firewall). IP Security (IPSec) and Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Security in Remote Access. Detection and response to intrusions.
  7. Miscellaneous (4). Digital Signature and Electronic Signature. Electronic Voting. Information Security Management. Security in Industrial Control Systems. Cyber Defense Centers.

Teaching expository classes at the beginning of the seminar to present the topics and allow to review fundamental concepts of information security.
Development of a research project by the student, with written reports and oral presentations of progress and results.
Orientation in the choice of the subjects and evaluation in the periodical of development of the works by the professor.
Occasional talks to discuss specific topics and to deepen some subjects of common interest.


 5TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet Ing annet Studprog (IaS)2017.08.30 RS

Management of Computer Projects

Students, working as a team, analyze processes, methods, techniques and suggested tools to formulate and manage IT projects in a bidding environment oriented to innovative entrepreneurship based on Information Technology (IT). Formulate a project that integrates the stages of initiation and planning, based on a real problem.


  • Detection of business opportunities oriented to innovative entrepreneurship based on IT
  • Ethical-Legal context of the computer project
  • The project management lifecycle
  • Planning of the computer project
  • Economic and financial evaluation of a computer project 
5KPro 2017.03.03 TR

Management Of Information Projects Workshop, Elective 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Manage a strategic and comprehensive perspective, solutions in the field of business of an organization.
2. Plan, organize, direct and coordinate IT projects considering relevant aspects of motivation, leadership and teamwork.
3. Using project management techniques with emphasis on the effective management of errors.
1. Managing solutions based on Information Technology (IT) solutions.
1.1. Strategic vision: aligning IT with the business and opportunities.
1.2. Conceptual bases of a strategic technology plan and IT project portfolio.
1.3. Methodologies for the evaluation and selection of alternative projects.
1.4. Tenders and contracts in computing environments.
2. Project management.
21. The project and its formulation.
2.2. Methodologies for planning, estimating and cost.
2. 3. Leading project teams: commitment and motivation.
2.4. Main tasks of project management.
3. Control project.
3.1. Problems in IT projects: from myth to reality.
3.2. Risk management.
3.3. Checkpoints, and monitoring progress.
3. 4. Changes and negotiation.
Learning Methodology
In a computer project strongly interrelated technological, organizational and people issues, to address this, the method is used consultancy, through which the formulation, advance, control and solution of problems arising from computer projects will be evaluated context of a plan, considering case analysis and observation of real projects underway.


TDT4290 KPro / EiT / Tekled

 2015.12.14 RS

Modelling Business Processes With Tools Workshop, Elective 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
• Identify the key concepts of business process modeling (BPM).
• Know and understand the standards used in the BPM market, as well as the most popular tools in the same area.
• Know some world-class tools, implementation and monitoring of business processes.
• Model a business case with the tools learned.
1. Introduction to BPM What is BPM? definitions, concepts, objectives and benefits
BPM cycle, structure and architecture (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture) that support BPM.
2. Standards and modeling tools: EPC (Event Process Chain) Diagram.
3. Standards and design implementation tools, BPMN (Business Process
Management Notation), BPEL (Business Process Execution Language).
4. Overview of BPMS (Business Process Management Suites) and PPM (Process Warehousing Performance Management) market.


TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesign

TDT4290 KPro



2015.12.14 RS



Seminar On Modelling And Quantitative Methods, Elective

To pass the course, students will be able to:
• learn about recent developments in quantitative methods and techniques
• understand the contribution it can make to the area from their computing perspective.
1. Resolution of complex problems
2. Quantitative modeling
3. Various methods of resolution
4. Study of applied cases.

5TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesign 2016.08.08 RS

Modelling And Quantitative Methods Workshop, Elective

To pass the course, students will be able to:
• Analyze, design and communicate new solutions to problems that support a quantitative modeling in terms of efficiency and effectiveness
• Apply techniques and advanced quantitative methods in the development of projects
• Select techniques and quantitative methods that best fit a project
Depending on the topic selected by the professor
• The teacher selects a theme for teams of students develop a project
• Development of a project based on a team using advanced modeling techniques and quantitative resolution
• Development of seminars and technical discussions about the latest developments in the indoor theme


TDT4290 KPro / EiT

TDT4250 - Avansert programvaredesign 

 2015.12.14 RS

Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Elective 

To pass the course, students will be able to:
1. Know the trends, methods and advances in artificial intelligence.
2. Apply artificial intelligence techniques to solve real-world problems.
3. Develop a critical view of new proposals in this area of research.
1. Review of artificial intelligence techniques to solve problems, including:
1. 1. Ant Colony
1.2. GRASP
1.3. Immune Systems
2. Analysis of the state of the art concerns, such as: Scheduling, timetabling, bin packing, electrical generators planning, machine translation. Study new approaches for resolution.
3. Ways to assess progress in methods from artificial intelligence.
1. Lectures techniques and case studies.
2. Each student will select a problem to be solved using the techniques learned.
3. Each student will present the progress of your project, including the state of the art with a review of recent literature from publications in journals and conferences

5TDT4171 - Metoder i kunstig intelligens 2015.12.14 RS

Mathematics 5, Elective

By passing the course, students will be able to use their own language and techniques of differential calculus in several variables to analyze and solve problems from the physical fields, engineering, economic or other.
1) first-order differential equations: initial value problems. Applications: problems of growth and decline, cooling, chemical mixtures, simple electrical circuits. Equations of separable variables:
autonomous equations. Singularities and / or equilibrium points, lines and planes phase.
2) linear higher order differential equations: homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients,
Wronskian, solving linear equations for inhomogeneous methods: undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters. Systems of differential equations. Applications: oscillatory models in mechanical and electrical systems and plans corresponding phase, economic models and models of two populations, boundary value problems.
3) Laplace Transform: basic definitions, the inverse transform, translational theorems, transforms of derivatives and integrals, convolution integral, step function, notions of the theory of distributions and Dirac delta. Applications for initial value problems.
4) series and Fourier integral: Fourier series, convergence in average and punctual, properties of Fourier coefficients, complex form of the Fourier series, integral and Fourier integral representation, Fourier transform and properties. Applications to problems with boundary conditions in unbounded domains.
5) Partial Differential Equations: normal forms of equations of second order hyperbolic,
Parabolic and elliptical, techniques of separation of variables. Applications: heat conduction or diffusion, electric or gravitational potential, vibratory movements, wave propagation.

5TMA4135 - Matematikk 4D 2015.12.14 RS


Description of the Subject
Theoretical-practical course, referring to learning related to the latest trends in the development of native mobile applications.
In this course, students will learn how to program mobile applications based on the Android operating system, using Scrum as a tool for software development, which will allow them in their future professional skills highly valued by the industry, given the growing lack of professionals that dominate this knowledge.

Entry requirements
• Use relational databases (MySQL, etc.).
• Manage object-oriented programming languages (JAVA).
• Create web pages.

Teaching and learning methodology
• Expositive method.
• Development workshops.
• Project methodology.
• Role play (company-client simulation).

Contribution to egress profile
• Developing ICT services, products, systems, and applications, both in the context of
Development of innovation opportunities and technological ventures, as well as for the optimization of processes in organizations and in society.
• Develop technological projects, with a vision of the global impact of the proposed solutions, considering people, resources and time, committed to quality.
• To develop technological enterprises with emphasis in the field of ICT, around the multidisciplinary development of solutions of diverse complexity and technical and economic specialty.

Learning Outcomes expected to be achieved in this subject
• Estimate the time it takes to implement a selected project, considering the standard Scrum Management as agile methodology.
• Design the graphical interfaces of the applications, putting into practice creative proposals.
• Implements the controllers of the graphical interfaces, using the own programming tools of the language.
• Use the modules to send and extract remote data, implementing the REST web services that the applications will support.
• Participates actively in work teams, developing activities linked to a programming project to solve problems in society. 

5KPro (role-play)

Nytt fag av året, derfor matcher ikke navnet helt med kursbeskrivelsen.
Burde hete "Android Prosjekt" e.l.

2017.08.30 RS



Contribution to the Exit Profile

Transversal Competences USM:

2. Acquire the ability to solve problems to meet the objectives of the company u


3. Develop a sense of Commitment to Quality in all the dimensions of their professional practice.

4. Develop Innovation and Entrepreneurship using timely new knowledge and

engineering techniques.

5. Incorporate the Management of Information and Communication Technologies in their professional performance.

ICOM Specific Competences:

2. Design, manage and manage in a sustainable and systemic way marketing, production, finances,

human resources, operations, supply and distribution processes, research and


4. Solve complex problems, transmit, project and make decisions adjusted to ethics and

social responsibility, and to a sustainable development of the organization.

8. Undertake and innovate in business management, identifying the opportunities that constitute creation

of value in the organization.

9. Develop research and entrepreneurship activities in their own initiatives, from third parties or in

established organizations, public or private.

10. Manage and manage using information and communication technologies, useful in the

areas of commercial engineering development.



TIØ5200 – Prosjektorganisasjoner  

 Seguridad en redes de computadores



 5 TTM4135  

Criptografia y seguridad en la informacion




Management of Computer Projects

Students, working as a team, analyze processes, methods, techniques and suggested tools to formulate and manage IT projects in a bidding environment oriented to innovative entrepreneurship based on Information Technology (IT). Formulate a project that integrates the stages of initiation and planning, based on a real problem.


  • Detection of business opportunities oriented to innovative entrepreneurship based on IT
  • Ethical-Legal context of the computer project
  • The project management lifecycle
  • Planning of the computer project
  • Economic and financial evaluation of a computer project 
5,3TIØ4258 - Tekled


2017.05.16 TR



Description of the Subject
Theoretical-practical course, referring to learning related to the latest trends in the development of native mobile applications.
In this course, students will learn how to program mobile applications based on the Android operating system, using Scrum as a tool for software development, which will allow them in their future professional skills highly valued by the industry, given the growing lack of professionals that dominate this knowledge.

Entry requirements
• Use relational databases (MySQL, etc.).
• Manage object-oriented programming languages (JAVA).
• Create web pages.

Teaching and learning methodology
• Expositive method.
• Development workshops.
• Project methodology.
• Role play (company-client simulation).

Contribution to egress profile
• Developing ICT services, products, systems, and applications, both in the context of
Development of innovation opportunities and technological ventures, as well as for the optimization of processes in organizations and in society.
• Develop technological projects, with a vision of the global impact of the proposed solutions, considering people, resources and time, committed to quality.
• To develop technological enterprises with emphasis in the field of ICT, around the multidisciplinary development of solutions of diverse complexity and technical and economic specialty.

Learning Outcomes expected to be achieved in this subject
• Estimate the time it takes to implement a selected project, considering the standard Scrum Management as agile methodology.
• Design the graphical interfaces of the applications, putting into practice creative proposals.
• Implements the controllers of the graphical interfaces, using the own programming tools of the language.
• Use the modules to send and extract remote data, implementing the REST web services that the applications will support.
• Participates actively in work teams, developing activities linked to a programming project to solve problems in society.




Nytt fag av året, derfor matcher ikke navnet helt med kursbeskrivelsen.
Burde hete "Android Prosjekt" e.l.


Seminario de Sistemas Distribuidos

Distributed systems seminar

General objective:
Investigate security in distributed systems, from a security perspective in systems and software applications.

Learning objectives:
At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Explain fundamental concepts about information security. Know and understand the main threats about information systems and forms of defense.
  • Understand the main security risks in the software and know the countermeasures to mitigate these risks.
  • Apply the concepts of safety patterns in the model and the specification of attacks and defenses.
  • Apply the acquired knowledge in the development of a research work and write an artwork (paper).


  1. Introduction to Information Security (2). Basic Concepts of Information Security.
    Threats, attacks and defenses. Security Services. Security domains. Industrial standards. Trends. Research topics.
  2. Encryption (6). General concepts. Symmetric cryptosystems. Public key cryptosystems.
    Authentication of messages. Digital signature. Key exchange protocols. Public Key Infrastructure. Applications of cryptography.
  3. Access Control (2). Identification and Authentication. Passwords. Access Control Models.
    Flow Control Models of Information. DAC, MAC and ABAC.
  4. Software Security (4). Security in the Software Lifecycle. Development methodologies.
    Industrial standards (SAMM and BSIMM). Software Architecture. Modeling of threats and risk assessment. Coding. Tests. Penetration tests. Ethical hacking. Application firewall. Main risks in Web applications. Risk classifications (OWASP and WASC, Microsoft).
  5. Architecture and Security Patterns (2). Patterns in software systems. Reference architecture. Safety standards. Patterns of abuse.
  6. Security in Communication Networks (4). Security in TCP / IP. Firewall (Firewall). IP Security (IPSec) and Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Security in Remote Access. Detection and response to intrusions.
  7. Miscellaneous (4). Digital Signature and Electronic Signature. Electronic Voting. Information Security Management. Security in Industrial Control Systems. Cyber Defense Centers.

Teaching expository classes at the beginning of the seminar to present the topics and allow to review fundamental concepts of information security.
Development of a research project by the student, with written reports and oral presentations of progress and results.
Orientation in the choice of the subjects and evaluation in the periodical of development of the works by the professor.
Occasional talks to discuss specific topics and to deepen some subjects of common interest.


 5,3TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet   

Even semestre = Høst (i Norge)
Odd semestre = Vår 
Elective betyr at faget bare tilbys hvis det er nok oppmeldte studenter.

Kursbeskrivelsene er oversatt med kjærlighet.


FIS100Introduction to PhysicsFIS110General Physics 1IEI234System Analysis WorkshopIEI235System Design WorkshopILI140Programming WorkshopILI228Software Development WorkshopILI246Operative SystemsINF253ProgLangILI270Information SystemsILI295Artificial IntelligenceINF236Analysis And Software DesignINF239DBINF322Designing User InterfacesINF323Seminar On Software DevelopmentINF324Software Production WorkshopINF326Software ArchitectureINF330Technological Data for Business IntelligenceINF342Graphic ComputationINF364Management Of Information Projects WorkshopINF369Modelling Business Processes With Tools WorkshopINF383Seminar On Modelling And Quantitative MethodsINF384Modelling And Quantitative Methods WorkshopINF388Advanced Artificial IntelligenceMAT015Mathematics 5ILI225IWI131ILI236ILI134ILI292ILI260ILI245ILI253MAT014

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  1. Unknown User (mariesva)

    University of X-fagFagnavnsp. av 7.5IDI-fagKomm.Godkjent
     ICS014Finanzas I:  

    This subject is aimed at obtaining and determining the cash flows required by the company,

    in addition to distributing funds for funds between providers, terms and sources

    with the objective of maximizing the value of the company and the wealth of its shareholders. Methods of analysis will be applied

    financial, preparation of budgets, administration of Working Capital, determination of investments

    in Short Term and Long Term assets, and identification of forms of a. Structures are sought

    efficient financial instruments that allow achieving the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder benefits

    of the company.

    Thematic contents

    1. Introduction to finance, objective, evolution, wealth maximization versus utility, aspects

    international accountants.

    2. Vertical Financial Analysis and ratios.

    3. Administration of working capital.

    4. Cash budget and projected statements.

    5. Sources of financing and leverage.

    6. Investment Decisions.
     3 TIØ4146. Finans for teknisk-naturvitenskapelige studenter  


    Description of the subject

    In this subject students will learn concepts, fundamentals, tools and related techniques

    with Project Management methodologies whatever their nature and will face the processes

    decisions that companies must adopt to achieve their objectives, in complex environments in the

    which must operate.


    Thematic contents

    - Fundamentals of Project Management based on Pmbok: Project Management Body of Knowledge.

    - The Time Management of a Project: AOA, AON, PERT / CPM.

    - Cost Management of a Project: Crash Cost, Solver, Crystal Ball.

    - Monitoring and Control: Baseline, CPTP, CATE, EAT, CPTE, EPT.

    - The Integrated Management of a Project: Use of Ms Project.

    - The Risk Management of a Project.
     TIØ5200 - Prosjektorganisasjon  



    Description of the subject

    In this subject students will apply concepts, fundamentals, tools and related techniques

    with the methodologies of Evaluation of Investment Projects, in the preinvestment phase through the cycle of

    evaluation of projects. In this subject the student is prepared to use support tools

    available for the preparation and evaluation of projects.


    Thematic contents

    - Fundamentals of the Methodology and the Evaluation Cycle of Investment Projects.

    - Phases of the Project Evaluation Methodology.

    - Pre-feasibility level studies:

    Diagnosis, evaluation methodology, analysis, and evaluation.

    - Integration of the Project Evaluation Methodology through group work.
     3 TIØ5200 – Prosjektorganisasjoner
    Og TIØ4230 - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling

    Organizacion industrial: INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION:

    Description of the subject

    In this subject students will learn the methods to study and analyze the problems

    fundamentals of markets that operate under conditions of imperfect competition. Likewise,

    will be able to identify and evaluate the company's suitable competitive strategies, in accordance with the sector

    industrial in which it participates.


    Thematic Contents

    • Concepts and Method of the Industrial Organization.

    • Theory of the Company - Models of Competence.

    • Market structure.

    • Games theory.

    • Strategic Behavior.

    • Evaluation of the Competence in the industrial organization.

    • Public Intervention in the Industry. Regulation.


    TIØ5200 – Prosjektorganisasjoner

    eller TIØ4230 - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling

    Analisis inteligente de datos:

    This course aims to introduce students to the analysis of data based on intelligent systems and address some of their applications. The theoretical foundations of classification problems will be studied; clustering and forecasting in large databases, both from a statistical and computational point of view; In addition, the probabilistic foundations of classical parametric and non-parametric models and those based on learning machines will be addressed. The most relevant methodologies will be studied to construct classification, grouping and forecasting models, emphasizing computational aspects and some validation techniques will be addressed.

     7TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder Evt INF440 Sistemas Distribuidos eller INF343 Sistemas Distribuidos 



    Upon passing the subject the student will be able to:

    • Know the statistical and computational foundations of learning machines.

    • Design and apply learning machines to shape recognition problems:

    classification, regression, association and prognosis.

    • Know and apply the main algorithms of learning machines.

    • Apply the main algorithms in the problems of classification and recognition of forms.


    1. Statistical concepts in learning: problems of induction and statistical inference,

    Parametric and non-parametric inference models, the generalization of the Glivenko theory -

    Cantelli - Kolmogorov.

    2. Fundamentals of the theory of learning and generalization.

    3. Estimation of the probability density and the learning problem, convergence and

    Convergence conditions for measures of unknown probabilities.

    4. Empirical risk and minimization principles: Key theorem of learning theory, levels and

    loss functions.

    5. The perceptron and its generalizations, the Rosenblatt perceptron, the stochastic method of


    6. Elements of theory of optimization Fermat's theorem, the rule of multipliers of Lagrange and

    the theory of Kühn - Tucker.

    7. Artificial neural networks as models of generalized regression.

    8. The support vector machine (SVM, Support Vector Machine), approximation by hyperplanes, the

    statistical properties of the optimal hyperplanes, generalization to high-dimensional spaces,

    selection of SVM, SVM in shape recognition, SVM in classification problems

    multiple, applications.


     4TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering Eller INF578 Maquinas de Aprendizaje Computacional:

    Know the statistical and computational foundations of the Learning Machines.
    Design and apply Learning Machines to problems of shape recognition: Classification, Association, Forecast, among others.
    Know and apply different learning machine algorithms.
    Know the main advances of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), for the problems of classification and recognition of patterns.



    Cloud Computing y Big Data:

    The course introduces the concepts of computing in the "cloud" as an alternative platform for High Performance Computing (HPC), from the elements that make up a data center to the requirements of interconnection networks, processing capabilities (computing) and capacity of storage. The advantages and disadvantages of the model are presented in the "cloud" to solve technical and scientific applications that use large volumes of data (Big Data), which are not easy to move. Special emphasis is placed on cost / effective solutions analyzing, discussing and establishing comparisons between different solutions of "clouds": public and private, commercial and academic, as well as its analysis type Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).


    The course also includes a practical approach to the topic through the construction of applications in the cloud as services, MapReduce (Hadoop), PaaS (Azure), move large volumes of data (traditional RDBMS) or move the algorithms to the data (NoSQL ).


    This course is dedicated to parallel programming in the "cloud". The objective of the course is to be able to model, design, and implement a parallel solution, whose results must be disseminated through the writing of a technical article that must be presented in the course.

    8TDT4305 - Big Data-arkitektur  


    Web Search Technologies


    The subject covers the fundamentals of information retrieval that allow to understand and develop information search technologies on the Web. Text laws, information extraction techniques from unstructured sources, text retrieval models, evaluation of information retrieval systems and retrieval of information on the web (crawling, web indexing, link analysis) are reviewed. It also covers more advanced topics that allow the student to understand the state of the art in this area, including search in the social Web and vertical search.

     7TDT4215 - Web-intelligens Eller INF484 Web-semantica:
    At the end of this course, the student will be able to use Semantic Web technologies to achieve that goal, making their own applications can automatically interpret the content of a web page, make their applications understood among them or that those same applications reason automatically about the data they generate. In addition, the student will be able to develop web pages whose contents are understood by the big players of the Internet: Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex.
  2. Unknown User (torstebm)

    University of X-fagFagnavnsp. av 7.5IDI-fagKomm.Godkjent

    At the end of this subject, the student will be able to use Semantic Web technologies to achieve that goal, making their own applications automatically interpret the content of a web page, make their applications understand each other or that those same applications automatically reason about the data they generate. In addition, the student will be able to develop web pages whose contents are understood by the great Internet players: Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex.
    6.5TDT4215 - Web-intelligens

    INF491Arquitecturas para Big Data

    Big Data is the colloquial name of data processing characterized by large volume, variety, and speed / concurrency. This subject combines classes, project and readings / presentations to understand the concepts of Big Data; know the architectures, patterns, technologies, and tools in use; and apply them to trade-based design of applications for handling Big Data. The student will be able to explain the concepts; recognize how products or systems implement the concepts; evaluate alternative solutions in light of requirements; design systems for Big Data using existing technologies; and identify emerging research topics.
    6.5TDT4305 - Big data-arkitektur