Be aware that there is a deadline 15 June for the Winter semester and a deadline 15 March for Summer semester 

NTNU sp.
UBC Credits

BIOL 111 - Introduction to Modern Biology 

6K-emne3 2016.01.26 KSK  

CPEN 492 - Software Engineering Capstone Design Project 


TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt

10Erstatter kombinasjonen av TDT4290(15sp) og EiT (7,5 sp)2016.01.26 KSK
CPEN 492 - Software Engineering Capstone Design Project 20EiT - Eksperter i team10Erstatter kombinasjonen av TDT4290(15sp) og EiT (7,5 sp)2016.01.26 KSK

CPSC 410 - Advanced Software Engineering


TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling

3 2016.01.26 KSK

CPSC 420 - Advanced Algorithms Design and Analysis 


TDT4125 Algoritmekonstruksjon

3 2016.01.26 KSK 

EECE 514 - Software Verification and Testing

7.5TDT4250  - Avansert programvaredesign3 2016.01.26 KSK

EECE 513 - Fault Tolerant Digital Systems

7.5TTM4185 Sikkerhet og robusthet i IKT system3 2016.01.26 KSK
CPCS 304 - Introduction to relational databases7.5TDT4145 Datamodellering og databasesystemer3
CPSC 425 - Computer Vision6TDT4265 - Datasyn3Noe innslag av bildebehandling fra TDT41952017.03.01 TR
CPSC 418 - Parallel Computation6TDT4200 - Parallelle beregninger3 2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 411 - Introduction to Compiler Construction6TDT4205 - Kompilatorteknikk3 2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 319 - Software Engineering Project6KPro3 2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 509 - Programming Language Principles6TDT4165 - Programmeringsspråk3Fagbeskrivelsen er ikke tilgjengelig på nett, men basert på de andre fagene som er vurdert i forhold til fagnavn er det vanskelig å tro at disse to fagene ikke er tilsvarende hverandre2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 524 - Computer Graphics: Modeling7,5 3Fagbeskrivelsen er ikke tilgjengelig på nett. 7.5 sp IT-fag, men vanskelig å vurdere akkurat overlapp av fag ved NTNU2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 500 - Fundamentals of Algorithm Design and Analysis6 3Fagbeskrivelsen er ikke tilgjengelig på nett. 7.5 sp IT-fag, men vanskelig å vurdere akkurat overlapp av fag ved NTNU2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 505 - Image Understanding I: Image Analysis7,5 3Fagbeskrivelsen er ikke tilgjengelig på nett. 7.5 sp IT-fag, men vanskelig å vurdere akkurat overlapp av fag ved NTNU2017.03.01 TR 
CPSC 532P - Topics in AI - Stats Relational AI7,5 3Fagbeskrivelsen er ikke tilgjengelig på nett. 7.5 sp IT-fag, men vanskelig å vurdere akkurat overlapp av fag ved NTNU2017.03.01 TR 
MATH 442 - Optimization in Graphs and Networks6 3IaS2017.03.01 TR 
CPCS322 Introduction to artificial intelligence Introduction to AI3

Yes, this course correspond to TDT4136. - Pinar Øzturk

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (sebasaa)


    Description of subject

    Credits -> conversion to ECTS when relevant





    CPSC 425 Computer Vision


    Introduction to the processing and interpretation of images. Image sensing, sampling, and filtering. Algorithms for colour analysis, texture description, stereo imaging, motion interpretation, 3D shape recovery, and recognition.


    From <>


    3 credits

    TDT4260 Datasyn

    7,5 poeng



    CPSC 340 Machine learning and data mining

    Models of algorithms for dimensionality reduction, nonlinear regression, classification, clustering and unsupervised learning; applications to computer graphics, computer games, bio-informatics, information retrieval, e-commerce, databases, computer vision and artificial intelligence.


    From <>


    3 credits

    TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering

    7,5 poeng 



    CPEN 491 Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project

    Design, analysis, and implementation of solutions in response to a real world computer engineering problem, provided by industry, research laboratories, or other suitable entities. Includes coverage of topics such as project management.


    From <>


    10 credits

    TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt

    15 poeng



    ECON 622 Computational Economics with Data Science Applications

    Computational tools used in modern economic research; applications of data science and machine learning in economics; generating data from the web and text; software tools for reproducible research.


    From <>


    3 credits

    TIØ4146 Finans for teknisk-naturvitenskapelige studenter

    7,5 poeng



    CPEN 542 Cybersecurity


    3 credits

    TTM4135 Informasjonssikkerhet (K-emne)

    7,5 poeng



    CPSC 532P Topics in Artificial Intelligence:Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (3)

    3 credits

    TDT4310 Intelligent tekstanalyse og språkforståelse

    7,5 poeng



    CPEN 421 Software Project Management

    Advanced project planning, cost estimation and scheduling. Project management tools. Factors influencing productivity and success. Productivity metrics. Analysis of options and risk. Tools. Case studies.


    From <>


    4 credits


    7,5 poeng



  2. Unknown User (mathiac)


    Description of subject

    Credits -> conversion to ECTS when relevant





    CPSC 521 Parallel Algorithms and Architectures

    3 credits

    TDT4200 Paralelle beregninger

    7.5 poeng

    CPEN 442 Introduction to Computer Security

    Security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities from technical perspectives; confidentiality, integrity, and hybrid policies; cryptography, access control, assurance, accountability, and engineering of secure systems.

    -- From <>

    4 credits

    TTM4135 Informasjonssikkerhet (IaS)

    8 poeng

    CSPS 547 Information Visualization

    3 credits

    TDT4230 Grafikk og visualisering

    7.5 poeng

     CPSC 500 Fundamentals of Algorithm Design and Analysis credits TDT4125 Algoritmekonstruksjon 7.5 poeng

    ATSC 113 Applied Meteorology

    Atmospheric-science principles elucidated by case studies applied to snow sports, sailing, surfing, soaring, and flying.

    -- From <>

    3 creditsK-emne6 poeng