30 credits = 60studiepoeng - 16 credits = 30 studiepoeng 

emneemnenavnectsNTNU emneGodkjentfagldatomerknad
BU26031Doing Business in China (2) Human Resource Management 2,5?TIØ4161 Prosjekt og personalledelse*JATim Torvatn2019-01-30

* et erstatningsemne til TIØ4161 kan kun innpasses tom. våren 2024, det kreves godkjenning fra faglærer for TIØ4162 for utveksling fra høsten 2024

EC306Intermediate Microeconomics http://ecc.sjtu.edu.cn/html/course_34.html8TIØ4118 Industriell økonomisk analyseeJARuud Egging2019-03-15
EC200Optimization Methods in Economics http://www.uq.edu.au/uqabroad/docs/sjtu-optimization-methods-in-economics.pdf6

BU 104Introduction to marketing credits4?

BU406Internet marketing2?

HR410International HRM4?

NA341Modern Ship Construction Technology 6,25?TMR4125 SkipsbyggingJAArnulf Hagen2019-02-05
MA250Operations Research 6TIØ4126 OptimeringJAKjetil Fagerholt2019-01-31
X100531Variational Theory and Finite Element Method /x1005317,5?TMR4320 Simuleringsbasert DesignJAEkaterina Kim2019-01-25

C++ Programming


6?TDT4102 Prosedyre og obj or progrJALasse Natvig2019-02-07

Introduction to numerical methods


6TMA4130 Matematikk 4JAMarkus Grasmair2019-03-07
BU311Marketing (B)3 credTIØ4165 MarkedsføringsledelseJAØyvind Bjørkum2019-03-15
CL036Elementary Chinese (4credts)8 stpfyllfag for studiepoeng

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering4fyllfag for studiepoeng

State of the art for Marine Technology
TMR4120 UndervannsteknikkJAMartin Ludvigsen2019-09-17
ECE6705JDeep Reinforcement Learning3 cred / 7,5 spTeknisk emne på masternivå for datatek AI-studenterJAZhirong Yangjuni 2024
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