SNU (Kontakt@stud: dagih, meijf, krishass, mikaelbj, mikkela, fredripi) -> English -> Course Search -> Advanced Search (HUSK: Velg ENGLISH før du åpner lenkene under direkte).

Hver undergrad-credit teller 1,875 sp.
Hver grad-credit xxx.500-900 teller 3,3 sp (oppdatert 26/10-15).

Dato - OK

032.001 - Elementary Korean *


Komplementæremne - Språkfag (før 2013)* Tidligere godkjent sammen Intermediate Korean 1 som 1 komplementæremne2013.08.05 TR
Intermediate Korean 1 * 5,625Komplementæremne - Språkfag (før 2013)* Tidligere godkjent sammen Elementary Korean som 1 komplementæremne2013.08.05 TR
212.501 - Studies in Microeconomics10Komplementæremne 2016.02 TAA
251.575 - Studies in Consumer Behavior10TIØ4146 Finans for teknisk-naturvitenskaplige studenter (for eksempel)Se pdf-fil under Syllabus (ENG) for mer informasjon om faget2016.02 TAA
358.546 - Topics in Analysis of Market Environment10KomplementæremneSe docx-fil under Syllabus (ENG) for mer informasjon om faget2016.02 TAA
406.564 - User Experience Design10KomplementæremneUndervist i regi av Department of Industrial Engineering, lignende industriell design-faget TPD4142 - Design Thinking2016.02 TAA
4190.312C. Data Mining and Information Retrieval5,625TDT4117 Informasjonsgjenfinning 2015.01.09 RS
4190.418A. Web Enterprise Computing 5,625TTM4115 Systemering av distribuerte sanntidssystemer (IaS)50% prosjekt?2015.01.09 RS

4190.412. Computer Modeling

5,625TTM4115 Systemering av distribuerte sanntidssystemer (IaS) 2015.07.29 RS

4190.425. Technical Writing for CS Eng

5,625Which NTNU-class? -
4190.429 Image Processing (3)5,625TDT4195 Visual Computing Fundamentals (3,75)
TDT4265 Computer Vision (1,875)
50% Vision, not Graphics2015.08.25 RS
4190.565. Advanced Data Communication 10

TDT4237 Programvaresikkerhet 

"Team project"2015.01.09 RS
4190.564. Advanced Database10TDT4150 - Advanced Database Management Systems (TDT4290 KPro / EiT)Project Work2015.01.09 RS
4190.568. Advanced Operating Systems 10TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt el. Eksperter i Team 2015.01.09 RS
4190.569. Advanced Artificial Intelligence

IT3105 Kunstig intelligens programmering (Details)

2014 Pensum.PDF

2015.01.09 RS

4190.569. Advanced Artificial Intelligence10IT3708 - Bio-Inspired Artificial IntelligenceVLSI_004_2015.pdf2015.01.09 RS
4190.574. Advanced Programming Languages10ProgSpråk100% project based (KPro)2015.08.25 RS
4190.662A - Distributed Information Processing10TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder 2015.08.05 RS
4190.676 Artificial Neural Networks10IT3708 - Bio-Inspired Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement learning.2017.01.11 RS
4190.673 - Cryptography10TTM4135 - InformasjonssikkerhetIngeniøremne annet studieprogram2015.08.05 RS
4190.680 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (3)10

TDT4136 IntroAI, IT3105 AI-Prog / EiT

Fredripi: Gruppearbeid.2015.08.25 RS
4190.683A. Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (Information Visualization)10

TDT4230 Grafikk og visualisering

 2015.01.09 RS
4190.683A. Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (Information Visualization)10TDT4265 Computer Vision 2015.06.02 RS 

4190.771 Topics in Algorithms (Kim, Sun) (ML algorithms in bioinformatics)


TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt / EiT

30% "Team project"2015.01.09 RS

4190.771 Topics in Algorithms (Srinivasa, s2015) (Data Compression)



100% project based (KPro)2015.08.25 RS
4190.775 Topics in Compiler Construction10

1/2 TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt / EiT

30% "Team project"2015.01.09 RS

430.659 - Topics in Computer and VLSI - Machine learning (2014)


TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering

Se 4190.569 (2014)
2015.08.05 RS
430.659 - Topics in Computer and VLSI - Machine learning (2015)10IT3708 - Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence 2015.08.12 RS
430.711A Introduction To Computer Vision10

TDT4265 Computer Vision

 2015.07.29 RS
430.843 - Advanced Programming Methodology10TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt (alterntivt EiT)30% prosjekter: "learn know-hows for managing big programming projects. By programming in depth."2016.02.24 TAA
4541.568 Advanced operating systems10

TDT4186 Operativsystemer 

 2015.07.29 RS
4541.569 Advanced Artificial Intelligence10TDT4171 Metoder i kunstig intelligens 2015.07.29 RS
M0000.002200 Seminar series in brain and cognitive sciences I7,5NEVR3040 - Selvstudium i nevrovitenskap I 2015.07.29 RS
M1522.001300 Probabilistic Graphical Models10TDT4173 - ML and CBR., TDT4290 - KPro (50%), IT3105 AI-ProgMaster, AI-fag. Bayes, Markov, etc. Dekker også litt av TTK4130 - Modellering og simulering. 30% "Term project".2018.05.19 LJ
463.511 - Technology and Commercialization10K-emneSe pdf-fil under Syllabus (ENG) for mer informasjon om faget2016.02.24 TAA
M1522.001400 - Introduction to Data Mining??TDT4305 - Big Data-arkitekturDekker de største delene av TDT43052017.12.09 MLJ
M1522.001600 - Topics in Big Data Analytics


TDT4305 - Big Data-arkitektur /

TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes

IT3708 - Bio-inspirert kunstig intelligens

Big Data og Deep Learning

Asbjørn has to check here... I am not sure how one course can be mapped onto 3 of ours

2017.12.09 MLJ
4190.666 Machine Learning10TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering 2018.01.16 MLJ

430.729 Topics in Control and Automation (Deep Reinforcement Learning)

(3 * 3.3 =) 10TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering"We will first review Markov decision processes (MDP) and traditional reinforcement learning techniques. Then we will review recent developments in robot learning, deep learning, and deep reinforcement learning, including topics such as behavior cloning, inverse reinforcement learning, policy gradient, deep Q-network (DQN), generative adversarial networks (GAN), and generative adversarial imitation learning."2018.01.21 MLJ
4190.771 Topics in Algorithms (Data Compression)(3 * 3.3 =) 10

TTT4125 - Information Theory, Coding and Compression

"The goal of the course is to introduce various compression techniques. The course will also briefly introduce the area of succinct data structures."2018.01.21 MLJ

4190.773 Topics in Artificial Intelligence (Optimization for Machine Learning)

(3 * 3.3 =) 10TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering"This course will discuss the field of machine learning concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience. Based on many research papers published in the field of machine learning, several well-known machine learning approaches are discussed with their key algorithms, theories, and application areas."2018.01.21 MLJ
251.422 - Investments(3 * 1.875 =) 5.625TIØ4146 - Finans for teknisk-naturvitenskaplige studenter (K-emne)"This course presents the analytical tools, financial theories and empirical evidence necessary for making good investment decisions."2018.03.12 MLJ
M1522.001000 Computer Vision10TDT4265 - Computer Vision and Deep Learning

This course is categorized as an undergraduate course on SNU's websites, but I still suggest treating it as a graduate course. It covers many of the same areas as TDT4265 (image formation, filtering, PCA, feature extraction, stereo vision, machine learning, optical flow & tracking, deep learning for vision , ...), in addition to other areas. Furthermore, the course is listed as a fourth year course, which is also the year I am studying now.

Update: I talked to the professor after lecture, and he also confirmed that this is essentially a graduate course.

2018.03.12 MLJ
430.711A Introduction to Computer Vision

(3 * 3.3 =)


TDT4265 - Computer Vision and Deep LearningComputer vision course with some deep learning.2018.03.12 MLJ
326.739A Seminar in Statistics (Deep Learning: A Statistical Perspective)

(3 * 3.3 =)


TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonneringMachine learning course.2018.03.12 MLJ
4190.683A Advanced Human-Computer Interface3gc=10spTDT4180 Menneske-maskin-interaksjon

This course is a graduate level introductory course to the filed of Human-Computer Interaction. It covers HCI models, theories, and frameworks that are key to conducting HCI research. In addition, this course offers opportunities to get familiar with the methodologies and techniques to apply those key components to real world problems found in various HCI application areas such as information visualization, mobile interaction, visual analytics, and social computing.

2018.09.12 OC


Discrete Mathematics3uc=5.5spTMA4140  Diskret matematikkThis course covers the mathematical topics closely related to computer science. Topics include: logic, sets, functions, relations, countability, combinatorics, proof techniques, mathematical induction, recursion, recurrence relations, graph theory, and number theory. The course emphasizes the context and applications of these concepts within computer science.2018.09.12 OC
Software Engineering3uc=5.5spTDT4140 ProgramvareutviklingThis course covers the issues regarding software requirement analysis, various software design methodologies, and software project management.2018.09.12 OC
Artificial Intelligence3uc=5.5spTDT4136 Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens
This course probes into artificial intelligence, focusing on heuristic search, reasoning, learning, and knowledge representation. It also covers the methods of logical theorem proving, playing games, intelligent agents, and neural networks.
2018.09.12 OC
Programming practice3uc=5.5spTDT4113 Datateknologi, programmeringsprosjekt
This course teaches a programming language, C, and the basic programming skills for the beginners to the programming. Through programming practices, students will enhance their programming abilities.
2018.09.12 OC


Ragnar BråsteinHøst: M1522.001300 Probabilistic Graphical Models4190.676 Artificial Neural Networks4190.773 Topics in Artificial IntelligenceVår: 463.511 Technology and Commercialization430.843 Advanced Programming Methodology4190.564 Advanced Database, for
TDT4150 Av db .  IT3708 NN, K-emne, TDT4290 - KProTDT4856 - IT-styringIT3105 AI-Prog,  TTK4130 ModOgSim (IaS)

HegeHaavaldsen: 212.5014190.5644190.5694190.6734190.676M1522.001300.

  • No labels


  1. hvor mange studiepoeng? jeg har oppdatert wiki

  2. Unknown User (ragnarob)

    10TTT4234 - Romteknologi I (for Valgbart ingeniøremne, fjerde år)Foreslår 10 studiepoeng som om det er et graduate fag på SNU. For valgbart ingeniøremne må man ta et undergrad-fag på SNU, da graduate fag er for avanserte. Arbeidsmengde er omtrent lik.
  3. Unknown User (ragnarob)

    The SNU-courses listed in the table as "4190.773 Topics in AI: Probabilistic Graphical Models" and "M1522.001300 Probabilistic Graphical Models" are the same - the first is just the previous name of the second. Same professor and same syllabus. 

    I suggest removing the first row from the table, and combining the equivalent NTNU-courses of both, resulting in:

    M1522.001300 Probabilistic Graphical Models10TDT4173 - ML and CBR., TDT4290 - KPro (50%), IT3105 AI-ProgMaster, AI-fag. Bayes, Markov, etc. Dekker også litt av TTK4130 - Modellering og simulering. 30% "Term project".
    1. done! thank you. can you check that I have implemented your suggestions correctly? thanks again, I am grateful that you want to improve the wiki

      1. Unknown User (ragnarob)

        Yes, looks good!

  4. Unknown User (simensve)

    4190.683A Advanced Human-Computer Interface3gc=10spTDT4180 Menneske-maskin-interaksjon
    This course is a graduate level introductory course to the filed of Human-Computer Interaction. It covers HCI models, theories, and frameworks that are key to conducting HCI research. In addition, this course offers opportunities to get familiar with the methodologies and techniques to apply those key components to real world problems found in various HCI application areas such as information visualization, mobile interaction, visual analytics, and social computing.
    Discrete Mathematics3uc=5.5spTMA4140  Diskret matematikkThis course covers the mathematical topics closely related to computer science. Topics include: logic, sets, functions, relations, countability, combinatorics, proof techniques, mathematical induction, recursion, recurrence relations, graph theory, and number theory. The course emphasizes the context and applications of these concepts within computer science. 
    Software Engineering3uc=5.5spTDT4140 ProgramvareutviklingThis course covers the issues regarding software requirement analysis, various software design methodologies, and software project management. 
    Artificial Intelligence3uc=5.5spTDT4136 Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens
    This course probes into artificial intelligence, focusing on heuristic search, reasoning, learning, and knowledge representation. It also covers the methods of logical theorem proving, playing games, intelligent agents, and neural networks.
    Programming practice3uc=5.5spTDT4113 Datateknologi, programmeringsprosjekt
    This course teaches a programming language, C, and the basic programming skills for the beginners to the programming. Through programming practices, students will enhance their programming abilities.


    1. from a scientific point of view, the courses map well. we can lift these up in the main table. the points have to be double checked

  5. Unknown User (carlef)

    Ville det vært mulig å ta introduction to datamining som erstatning for datavarehus og datagruvedrift? Faget er allerede på wikien men akkurat nå erstatter det big data arkitektur. 

    M1522.001400 Introduction to Data Mining3*3.33TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedriftData mining refers to theories and techniques for finding useful patterns from massive amount of data. Data mining has been used in high impact applications including web analysis, fraud detection, recommendation system, cyber security, etc. This course covers important algorithms and theories for data mining. Main topics include mapreduce, finding similar items, mining frequent patterns, link analysis, data stream mining, clustering, graphs, and mining big data.



  6. I am positive to your proposal. However we want to see how your application looks like in its entireness

    1. Unknown User (carlef)

      Okie dokie 

      M1522.001400 Introduction to Data Mining3*3.33TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedriftData mining refers to theories and techniques for finding useful patterns from massive amount of data. Data mining has been used in high impact applications including web analysis, fraud detection, recommendation system, cyber security, etc. This course covers important algorithms and theories for data mining. Main topics include mapreduce, finding similar items, mining frequent patterns, link analysis, data stream mining, clustering, graphs, and mining big data.
      4541.564 Advanced Database 3*3.33TDT4150 - Advanced Database Management SystemsThis course will cover basis of advanced topics in database systems, which include query processing, database recovery, concurrency control, database security and integrity, and distributed databases. It will also deal with current issues including decis.
      4541.960 Reading and Research3*3.33IT3010 Metoder for forskningsbasert innovasjon i IT(No description provided, but I'm guessing it fits based on the name)
  7. Unknown User (askas)


    Advanced Artificial Intelligence


    3*3.3 = 10AI-programmeringBlitt godkjent tidligere som AI-Programmering

    Special Topics on Mass Data Analysis


    3*3.3 = 10??Reinforcement learning

    Advanced Programming Languages


    3*3.3 = 10Kundestyrt prosjektGodkjent tidligere som Kundestyrt prosjekt.

    Distributed Information Processing


    3*3.3 = 10Store distribuerte datamengderGodkjent tidligere

    Machine Learning


    3*3.3 = 10Maskinlæring og case-based resonneringGodkjent tidligere
    Introduction to Computer Vision3*3.3 = 10Datasyn og dyp læring?Godkjent tidligere

  8. Unknown User (sigrimk)





    Software Application

    3*1.875 = 5,625 SPAvansert programvareutvikling

  9. Unknown User (jakobmva)


    Advanced Artificial Intelligence


    3*3.33  = 10Kunstig Intelligens ProgrammeringGodkjent tidligere
    430.843 - Advanced Programming Methodology10


    TDT4290 Kundestyrt prosjekt (alterntivt EiT)

    Godkjent tidligere (prosjekt fag)

    Elementary Korean

    Intermediate Korean

    10K-emneGodkjent tidligere som K-emne

    Machine Learning


    3*3.333 = 10Maskinlæring og case-basert resonneringGodkjent tidligere
    4190.676 Artificial Neural Networks3*3.333 = 10FyllGodkjent tidligere
    This course studies mathematical theories and practical applications of neural networks. It covers the architecture of various modern neural network models. The course also reviews connectionist and probabilistic algorithms for supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
    4190.771 Topics in Algorithms10Kundestyrt/EiTGodkjent tidligere (prosjekt fag)
  10. Unknown User (miapt)

    4541.768 Topics in Distributed Systems3*3.3TDT4225 Store, distribuerte datamengderComputer systems are often used not as a single entity, but as a group to solve bigger and more complex problems. When using more than one computers, several problems have to be addressed to make them work as a unit for a common goal. We identify those problems in this course and present solutions.
    4541.779 Topics in computer applications3*3.3IT3010 Metoder for empirisk forskning innen IT og digitalisering The objective of this seminar course is to provide the graduate students an overview of research trends in computer and information technologies. The course consists of invited talks from prominent experts from IT industries and academia.
  11. Unknown User (jonatane)


    3341.501 Algebra 1

    3gTMA4150 AlgebraThis course studies algebraic structures (such as groups, rings, modules, and fields) and homological algebra. Important theorems and their applications are introduced.

    4541.672 Real-Time Systems

    3gTTK4145 SanntidsprogrammeringReal-time computing systems must guarantee the computational correctness as well as timely completion of the given computation. This course aims to cover the various areas of real-time computation including task scheduling, real-time programming language, real-time communication, real-time databases and fault tolerant computing. The term project is designed to provide in-depth research opportunity for students' own research interest.