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  1. Unknown User (kristobv)



    Description of subject
    Credits -> conversion to ECTS when relevant


    All courses have the same link:

    CS 4321 - Introduction to Algorithms


    CS 2321: Fundamental topics in algorithm design, analysis, and implementation. Analysis fundamentals include asymptotic notation, analysis of control structures, solving recurrences, and amortized analysis. Design and implementation topics include sorting, searching, and graph algorithms. Design paradigms include greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer algorithms, and dynamic programming.



    3 credits









     TDT4120 - Algorithms and Data Structures






    CS 2321 - Data Structures


    CS 4321: Presents fundamental concepts in data structures. Topics include abstract data types (priority queues, dictionaries and graphs) and their implementations, algorithm analysis, sorting, text processing, and object oriented design. A significant programming project is assigned.3 credits

     TDT4120 - Algorithms and Data Structures



    CS 3421 - Computer Organization




    Introduction to the logical structure of computers, including the fundamentals of logic design, information storage and manipulation, control, and input/output. Topics include a review of current hardware technology, combinational and sequential logic, arithmetic, datapaths, hard-wired control, interrupts, caches, virtual memory, and an introduction to pipelining.


    3 credits

    TDT4160 - Computers and Digital Design














    SAT 1610 - Computer and Operating Systems Architecture


    Fundamentals of computer organization, operating system architecture, PC/WS major subassemblies, PC and server configuration planning, power interfaces, system assembly/set-up, connection of peripherals, installing fundamental operating system software, system testing/debugging and planning and installation of application software portfolios.3 credits

    TDT4160 - Computers and Digital Design



    CS 3425 - Introduction to Database Systems


    This course provides an introduction to database systems including database design, query, and programming. Topics include goals of database management; data definition; data models; data normalization; data retrieval and manipulation with relational algebra and SQL; data security and integrity; database and Web programming; and languages for representing semi-structured data.

    3 credits

    TDT4145 - Data Modelling, Databases and Database Management Systems



  2. I can approve the content of the courses you propose. for the study points I have to work a bit more since it is the first time we approve courses at this university. we will work more at this case. which study program and which year are you attending? and when is our deadline for signing the pre-approval?

  3. Unknown User (kristobv)


    I understand. 
    I'm attending my second year at INDØK this fall. I have already som courses approved (it's listed on the Indøks wiki), but since not all off the approved courses fits in the timetable or are offered this fall, I want to get these courses approved as well. The school starts next week, so I will have to register for some courses by then, and preferably as soon as possible.


    1. the fact that you are indøk student simplifies matters since I have only to approve the scientific content, the advisor at INDØK will approve your study plan. say that I have approved the courses by referring to this wiki. 

      1. Unknown User (kristobv)

        Okay, thanks

  4. Unknown User (kristobv)

    Could the course below be approved as an optional technological course? 

    MIS 2100 - Introduction to Business Programming

    Develops business problem solving skills through the application of a commonly used high-level business programming language. Topics include the nature of the business programming environment, fundamentals of the language (e.g., programming constructs, data management, manipulation of simple data structures), structured programming concepts, desirable programming practices and design, debugging and testing techniques.