ref: almalv@stud

Emnekode - Emnenavn


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IN4015 - Neural Networks6AI-profilemneMax 40 students, already fuølly booked 2017

2017.02.14 RS

IN4189 - Software Reengineering5TDT4501 Specialization ProjectBig lab assignment with a paper and presentation (1/3)2015.03.03 RS
IN4191 - Security and Cryptography5TTM4135 - Information Secyrity 2017.02.14 RS
IN4252 - Web Science & Engineering5TDT4501 Specialization Project 2015.09.09 TR
IN4303 - Compiler Construction5TDT4205 - Compiler Construction  
IN4315 - Software Architecture 5TDT4501 Specialization ProjectLab assignment, paper and presentation. (1/3)2015.03.03 RS
IN4325 - Information Retrival5TDT4506  Specialization Course 2015.03.17 RS
IN4334 - Mining Software Repositories 5   
IN4355 - Functional Programming 5TDT4501 Specialization Project Group participation + lab work + a paper describing the lab work or explaining advanced functional programming concepts to practitioners
+ final presentation of paper and lab work. (1/3)
2015.03.03 RS
IN4389 - Reactive Programming 5TDT4501 Specialization ProjectHands-on labwork + oral presentation + written report (1/3)2015.03.03 RS
SPM4340IA - Design of Innovative ICT-infrastructures and Services6

TDT4506  Specialization Course
TDT37 - ICT and Society
TDT39 Empirical Studies of ICT

Assignment (60%), Written exam (40%)2015.03.03 RS
TI2206 - Software Engineering Methods5

TBA5200 - Project Management 2 (Project Planning and Analysis)
TDT4235 - Software Quality and Process Improvement

TI2206: Final exam: 40%, Mid Term Exam: 25%, Lab work: 35%

2015.03.03 RS
IN4252  Web Science & Engineering5TDT4501 Specialization Project40% small assignments and the large assignment, 60% Web science paperOK TR
WM0332IN   Methodology of Science and Engineering4TDT4506  Specialization CourseExam + written assesments.OK TR
TI2206   Software Engineering Methods5TBA5200 - Project Management 2Final exam: 40%, Mid Term Exam: 25%, Lab work: 35%OK TR
SPM4340IA  Design of Innovative ICT-infrastructures and Services 6TDT4506  Specialization Course
TDT37 - ICT and Society
TDT39 Empirical Studies of ICT
Assignment (60%), Written exam (40%)OK TR
IN4355 Functional Programming5TDT4501 Specialization Project Group participation + lab work + a paper describing the lab work or explaining advanced functional programming concepts to practitioners
+ final presentation of paper and lab work.
WB 3220 - Simulation of Continuous systems and Matlab3TDT4102 - Procedural- and OO- Programming (C++)VURDERT: Ikke godkjent! Tilsynelatende ingen overlapp. Ligner litt på 2,5 ECTS fra TDT4127

2021.12.08 RS

WI 4771TU(57072) - Object Oriented Scientific Programming with C++3TDT4102 - Procedural- and OO- Programming (C++)VURDERT: Ikke godkjent! Under 50% overlapp (3 ECTS, inneholder 2,5 ECTS fra TDT4127)

2022.01.27 RS

WM0824 TU Economics of Cyber Security5TDT4501 Specialization Project The final grade is based on five group projects, and one individual project.2016.05.24 RS
Project: multi-agent systems5IT3105 - kunstig intelligens programmeringO2018.02.20 LJ
Machine learning5TDT4173 - ML & CBRO2018.02.20 LJ
Deep learning6EIT 2018.02.20 LJ
Computer vision5TDT 4265 DatasynV2018.02.20 LJ
Big data processing5TDT 4305 Big Data ArchitectureV2018.02.20 LJ
Building serious games5TDT4290 - KproO2018.02.20 LJ
Security and cryptography5TTM4135 Information Security 2018.02.20 LJ
Artificial Intelligence techniques6IT3105 2018.09.12 OC
MOT1531 Business Process Management and Technology5TDT4252 – Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon
2019.02.12 LJ
MOT2421 Emerging and Breakthrough Technologies5TDT4257 – Digital tjenesteinnovasjon
2019.02.12 LJ
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (runaraj)

    1. Unknown User (runaraj)

      Jeg fikk beskjed om at fagene:

      Project Multi Agent Systems, Computational intelligence, Logic based AI og Big data processing ikke var åpne for utvekslingsstudenter.

      Av disse var det kun Project Multi Agent Systems som dekket et O fag (IT3105)

      Foreslår dermed at jeg tar:

  2. i approve it3105 as suggested by the student

  3. Unknown User (tovekrok)

    ECTSNTNUGodkjent av:Dato 2019-1-17
    IN4170 Yang i mail til student - videresendt T Krokstad IØT

  4. Unknown User (erlenyd)


    emnekodelenkeECTSNTNUGodkjent av:Dato:

    1. Unknown User (erlenyd)


      emnekodelenkeECTSNTNUGodkjent av:Dato:


  5. Unknown User (theodorc)

    EmnekodeECTNTNUKommentarGodkjent av:
    High Performance Data Networking5TTM4135"The high-performance data networking course is an advanced networking course that will introduce you to the concept of network programmability and which treats fundamental networking concepts like Quality of Service and network resilience. "
    Managing Multi-actor Decision Making5K-emne"We focus on the actors in the system. How do they behave, individually and collectively? What does the system look like from an actor perspective? Why does intentional change often appear so hard? What limits the designability of systems? "
    Seminar Web Information Systems5IT2810, men er ikke like teknisk"

    In this course we discuss recent developments in the area of web information systems."

  6. Unknown User (sanderos)

    Har nå fullført mitt utvekslingsår i Delft, og jeg tok følgende fag:





    Godkjent av:

    MOT9610 - Entrepreneurship basic course5TIØ4230 - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling

    IN4191 - Security and Cryptography5

    TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet

    IN4252 - Web Science & Engineering5

    TDT4215 - Web-intelligens

    IN4302TU - Building Serious Games5EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    CS4015 - Behaviour Change Support Systems 5EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    SEN1622 - I&C Service Design5TDT4257 - Digital tjenesteinnovasjon / EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    MOT1531 - Digital Business Process Management5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon

    ET4397IN - Network Security5TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet

    CS4110 - Software Testing and Reverse Engineering5EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    MOT2421 - Emerging and Breakthrough Technologies5TDT4257 - Digital tjenesteinnovasjon

    IN4185 - Globally Distributed Software Engineering5EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    SEN1641 - Integrated Design of I&C Architectures5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon / EiT / TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

  7. Unknown User (hallvarm)

    Dette er fagene jeg tenker å ta som ikke er ført opp av noen av de andre brukerne

    EmnekodeECTNTNUKommentarGodkjent av:
    MOT1524 - Leadership and Technology Management5TSOL425 - Teamledelse og teknologi

    IN4191 - Security and Cryptography5TTM4135 - Anvendt kryptografi og nettverksikkerhet

    IN4302TU - Building Serious Games5TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    CS4015 - Behaviour Change Support Systems5

    TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt

    SEN1622 - I&C Service Design5IT3022 - Deltagende design

    IN4315 - Software Architecture5TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling

    CS4065 - Multimedia Search and Recommendation5TDT4215 - Anbefalingssystemer

    CS4135 - Software Verification5TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet og personvern