Blog from September, 2019

Please note that we will have an open meeting on Thursday October 3, 12:15-14:00 CET, in room 454 ITV. During this meeting we will discuss draft research plan in plenary and will talk about how you can improve your plans.

The deadline for submitting voluntary draft version of your research plan is September 27, 23:59 CET. Please note:

  • This submission is not mandatory. It is an opportunity for you to get some feedback.
  • Use the provided template. Plans using other structure or template will not be taken into consideration.
  • Email a PDF version to Babak. Submissions in other formats (doc etc.) will not be taken into consideration.
  • In your email, write what you need feedback on. Avoid generic requests like "I want feedback on the whole plan".
  • Feedback will be given orally during the meeting of October 3. We will give the feedback publicly so all the class can take advantage of feedback and dialog.

All content is transferred and updated. Please follow us on this Confluence space for information about TDT39.

Please download my introduction slides from the first lecture uploaded to SlideShare. Please note that the meetings related to the feedback to draft research plans are postponed to end of September/beginning of October. More information to come.

You can, if you wish, submit your draft version of your research plan to us during weeks 39 and 40.Please note:

  • This is not mandatory. This is an offer we provide for creating a dialog.
  • We will answer as many requests as we can but cannot guarantee that all will get a feedback.
  • We will not provide feedback about the content of your research project, only the methodological aspects of it.

Please do the following:

  1. Tag your email subject with "[TDT39]".
  2. Attach a PDF version of your draft plan. Please note that there is a template for research plans that we use in the course. If you don't use this template you will not be prioritized.
  3. Write in the body of your email what it is you are seeking feedback on. Generic "I want feedback on everything" will not be prioritized.
  4. Send the email to Babak.

We will organize one or two meetings during weeks 39 and 40 for discussions. More information will follow.

Good luck!

Our old web pages can still be accessed in IT3010 web space but are being moved to this space and will be further maintained here.

In the meanwhile please check the old pages for in-depth information about the course.