TDT01 Architecture of Computing Systems 2018


TDT01 is a specialization course focusing on specialist topics within computer architecture. This year's version will cover 1) dynamic binary translation/optimization and 2) landmark ideas in computer architecture.


Course responsible: Rakesh Kumar

Students 2018

    Eggan, Alf Martin Holberg

    Gowayed, Yara Mohsen Mohamed Abdalhamid

    Gundersen, Martin

    Jordet, Ludvig Samuelsen

    Kaldager, Andreas Kolstø

    Monsen, Kristoffer Venæs

    Pedersen, Ole Kristian Eidem

    Roland, Katrine

    Soliman, Taha Ibrahim Ibrahim

    Vedvik, Edgar Mo

    Ås, Fredrik

    Seim Karstang, Vegard


If you are not on this list, but intend to follow TDT01 you need to contact Rakesh ASAP.

Meetings (Date, time, and venue to be decided)


    Meeting 1: Startup meeting - 21 Sept, 12:00-13:00 (Room 242 IT-bygget)

    Meeting 2: Discussion 1 - 17 Oct, 12:00-14:00 (Room 454 IT-bygget)

    Meeting 3: Discussion 2 - 31 Oct, 13:00-15:00 (Room Realfagbygget: R Botanikk 2 (360.D1-161))

    Meeting 4: Discussion 3 - 8 Nov, 12:00-14:00 (Room 122 IT-bygget)


Reading list


Note: To access the full versions of the papers from IEEE and ACM you need to have an NTNU IP address. If you are not on campus, try VPN or a terminal server.


Dynamic binary translation/optimization:


    1. The Transmeta Code Morphing Software: using speculation, recovery, and adaptive retranslation to address real-life challenges (Gowayed, Yara Mohsen Mohamed Abdalhamid) [Slides]

    2. Low overhead dynamic binary translation on ARM (Eggan, Alf Martin Holberg)

    3. Dynamo: a transparent dynamic optimization system (Ås, Fredrik)[Slides]

    4. rePLay: A Hardware Framework for Dynamic Optimization (Jordet, Ludvig Samuelsen)


Landmark ideas in computer architecture


    5. Software and the Concurrency Revolution (Seim Karstang, Vegard)[Slides]

    6. Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling (Roland, Katrine)

    7. Conservation Cores: Reducing the Energy of Mature Computations (Monsen, Kristoffer Venæs)

    8. Amdahl’s Law for Tail Latency (Gundersen, Martin)

    9. The future of microprocessors (Vedvik, Edgar Mo)

  10. Challenges in computer architecture evaluation (Soliman, Taha Ibrahim Ibrahim)

  11. The load slice core microarchitecture (Pedersen, Ole Kristian Eidem)

  12. Needle : Leveraging Program Analysis to Analyze and Extract Accelerators from Whole Programs (Kaldager, Andreas Kolstø)[Slides]




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