TDT01 is a specialization course focusing on specialized topics within computer architecture. This year's edition will focus on GPU, Microarchitecture, and Evaluation.
Course responsible: Rakesh Kumar and Magnus Jahre
Final test 2021
Date: 2nd December,
Time: 12:45 to 13:45
Place: F2, Gamle Fysikk
Students 2021
Berven, Petter Duus
Bjørseth, Petter
Dyngeland, Tobias
Frøyland, Hans Erik
Gausaker, Philip Skjelland
Montazerian, Arman
Ramberg, Håvard Hammer
Rekdal, Markus
Worsøe, Andrea Catharina
Aarhaug, Ole Sivert
If you are not on this list, but intend to follow TDT01 you need to contact Rakesh ASAP.
Meetings (Date, time, and venue)
Meeting 1: Startup meeting - 9th Sep at 13:00, Online Zoom Meeting (Slides)
Meeting 2: Discussion 1 - 30th Sep, 13:00 - 15:00, 454 IT-Bygget (Topic: GPU)
Meeting 3: Discussion 2 - 27th Oct, 13:00 - 15:00, 242 IT-Bygget (Topic: Microarchitecture)
Meeting 4: Discussion 3 - 11th Nov, 13:00 - 15:00, 454 IT-Bygget (Topic: Evaluation)
Reading list (preliminary)
Note: To access the full versions of the papers from IEEE and ACM you need to have an NTNU IP address. If you are not on campus, try VPN or a terminal server.
1. Get out of the valley: Power-efficient address mapping for GPUs (Ramberg, Håvard Hammer)
2. HSM: A Hybrid Slowdown Model for Multitasking GPUs (Hans Erik)
3. MDM: The GPU Memory Divergence Model (Dyngeland, Tobias)
4. The load slice core microarchitecture (Ole Sivert)
5. Boomerang: a Metadata-Free Architecture for Control Flow Delivery (Bjørseth, Petter)
6. Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors (Berven, Petter Duus)
7. FireSim: FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Scale-OutSystem Simulation in the Public Cloud (Gausaker, Philip Skjelland)
8. TIP: Time-Proportional Instruction Profiling (Worsøe, Andrea Catharina)
9. Sniper: Exploring the level of abstraction for scalable and accurate parallel multi-core simulation (Rekdal, Markus)