TDT01 is a specialization course focusing on specialized topics within computer architecture. This year's edition will focus on GPU, Microarchitecture, and Evaluation.
Course responsible: Magnus Själander and Magnus Jahre
Final test 2022
Wednesday 30. November 0900 - 1000 in F2
Students 2022
Aurud, Lars Murud |
Baumann, Henrik Rambech |
Bergquist, Jon Åby |
Bjørstad, Halvor |
Frøyland, Hans Erik |
Harnes, Vetle |
Harnes, Håkon Anthonsen |
Hozman, Ole Ludvig |
Larsson, Jonas Brunvoll |
Lauvdal, John Askeland |
Nesset, Erling Feet |
Willa, Lisa |
Wittersø, Eirik |
Young, Marcus Stensby |
If you are not on this list, but intend to follow TDT01 you need to contact Magnus J ASAP.
Meetings (Date, time, and venue)
Meeting 1: Startup meeting - 5/9-22, 1400-1430, ITV-454 (Slides)
Meeting 2: Discussion 1 - 26/9-22, 1300-1430, ITV-454 (Topic: GPU)
Meeting 3: Discussion 2 - 10/10-22, 1300-1430, ITV-454 (Topic: Microarchitecture)
Meeting 4: Discussion 3 - 7/11-22, 1300-1430, ITV-454 (Topic: Evaluation)
Reading list (preliminary)
Note: To access the full versions of the papers from IEEE and ACM you need to have an NTNU IP address. If you are not on campus, try VPN or a terminal server.
GPU (Resp: Magnus J):
1. Get out of the valley: Power-efficient address mapping for GPUs (Halvor)
2. HSM: A Hybrid Slowdown Model for Multitasking GPUs (John and Hans Erik)
3. Delegated Replies: Alleviating Network Clogging in Heterogeneous Architectures (Lars)
Microarchitecture (Resp: Magnus S):
4. The load slice core microarchitecture (Eirik and Jon)
5. Speculative Taint Tracking (STT): A Comprehensive Protection for Speculatively Accessed Data (Vetle and Håkon)
6. Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors (Jonas and Lisa)
Evaluation (Resp: Magnus J):
7. FireSim: FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Scale-OutSystem Simulation in the Public Cloud (Erling)
8. TIP: Time-Proportional Instruction Profiling (Ludvig)
9. Sniper: Exploring the level of abstraction for scalable and accurate parallel multi-core simulation (Henrik and Marcus)