Work package 10 is responsible for leading the dissemination activities of the project and for ensuring that it produces materials which look good and are of high quality. All partners are involved in dissemination but their ways and means may vary widely. For example, some countries have strong central organisations responsible for learning and teaching, whilst in other places there may be some autonomy in schools regarding curricula, pedagogy and so on. Partners thus have the responsibility for deciding how best to spread the word in their own countries based partly on the findings of the national workshops in WPs 2 and 3.

WP10 - timetable

WP10 has brought the wiki into full operation, both as a public information source and as a management tool.

Now, it is necessary to begin the dissemination process through

  • alliances with other projects
  • production of resources describing S-TEAM (posters, leaflets etc)
  • ensuring that partners know the numerical objectives and have institutional strategies and workplans for attaining them.
  • preparation of outstanding proposal for RCIE special issue, ESERA and ECER conference papers, journal article for EERJ

In addition to dissemination, WP10 needs to ensure the technical quality of deliverables and products, so there should be some preparation for this in terms of templates, draft report outlines and so on.

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