WP5d: Integrated science and primary/secondary transition  WP5d (VPU) will produce training packages for ITE based on the use of integrated science to  overcome primary/secondary transition problems in science.  Intended outcomes:  a) overview of the analysis of integral relationships of didactic modules of science subjects taught at the university level;  b) the analysis of contents of science subjects taught at primary and secondary school;  c) possibilities of parallel integration of science subjects and mathematics at secondary school;  d) the analysis of integration of science subjects on the basis of concepts and phenomena;  e) training package for teaching of integrated science subjects at general education  school.  The training package (del.5.5) for teaching of integrated science subjects is intended  for teacher educators, preservice teachers, beginning teachers. It will consist of: 1.  A didactic module of teaching of integrated science subjects as a composite part of a didactic program of Natural Sciences. It will include the guidelines for the  preparation of teachers in relation to the practical usage of integration in educational practice. 2.  Guidelines for  teaching of integrated science subjects on the basis of  concepts. 3.  Guidelines for teaching of integrated science subjects on the basis of phenomena.  4.  Guidelines for parallel integration of mathematics and science subjects.  VPU have also been allocate 3PM in WP6 to contribute a chapter to the book on implementing inquiry (product 6.15).


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