S-TEAM General assembly (GA) 070509 & 080509
Part 1 transacted in Workshop 1 on Thursday 7th May from 0930-1015
Part 2 of the formal General Assembly transacted on Friday 8th May 1330-1530 for the purposes of considering item 6 "any other competent business".
Present part 1: All participants with one or more persons see "Participants" folder.
Present part 2: All participants with one or more persons see "Participants" folder, except FSU.
1. Opening. Agenda is approved.
2. Approvals;
a) of the Work Plan as set out in STAN
b) of the final budget, including payment schedules
Work plan and budget is approved by the General Assembly.
3. Comments and outstanding issues to be resolved regarding
a) Proposals for changes to Annex I of the EC-GA to be agreed by the European Commission
b) Changes to the Consortium Plan (including the Consortium Budget) -
c)  Withdrawals from Attachment 1 (Background included)
No comments or outstanding issues.
3. Approval of the management structure including composition of the Management Board (MB).
Management structure and MB is approved.
4. Approval of Work package committees (WPC).
WPC will be discussed in the Management Board on May 7.
5. Approval of the choice of National Liaison Partners as listed below (appendix).
National Liaisons Partners (NLP's) are approved.
6. Any other competent business to be discussed in the General Assembly part 2, May 8.
Added items:
a. Consortium Agreement regarding how to overcome disputes on publications:
The General Assembly assigns the Management Board to sort out potential problems or conflicts if they arise in these aspects.
b. Reference group
Pernilla Nilson, Högskolan i Halmstad, will be leading the reference group. Suggestions for other participants for the reference group can be forwarded to Peter Gray and Pernilla Nilson within May 22.
c. External evaluators
Suggestions for external evaluators can be forwarded to Peter Gray within May 22.
d. Doris Jorde as deputy coordinator, ie chair of General Assembly meetings in case Geir Karlsen is absent.
Doris Jorde is approved by the General Assembly as deputy coordinator.
End of General Assembly
HR May 8, 2009
Appendix -  list of NLPs from STAN
Table 1.2.0 List of National Liaison Partners
Country     National Liaison Partner    Short name    No.

  1. Cyprus    European University-Cyprus    CYCO    24
  2. Czech Republic    University of Southern Bohemia    USB    7
  3. Denmark    University of Copenhagen    UCPH    9
  4. Estonia    University of Tallinn    TLU    16
  5. Finland    Helsinki University    HU    15
  6. France    Université Pierre Mendes-France    UPMF    3
  7. Germany    Leibniz Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel    IPN    13
  8. Israel    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology    IIT    17
  9. Lithuania    Kaunas University of Tech-nology    KUT    6
  10. Norway    University of Oslo    UIO    2
  11. Spain    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela    USC    14
  12. Sweden    Mälardalen University    MDU    18
  13. Turkey    Hacettepe University    HUT    19
  14. UK - England    University of Bristol    UNIVBRIS    5
  15. UK - Scotland    University of Strathclyde    UNIVSTRATH    12
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