The ESTABLISH project is led by a team at Dublin City University, The name stands for:

European Science and Technology in Action Building Links with Industry, Schools and Home

The team is led by Eilish McLoughlin ( and the project started on 1st January 2010.



The aim of ESTABLISH is to facilitate and implement an inquiry based approach in teaching and learning of science and technology across Europe, mainly focussed, through the collaborative actions of the consortium, on appropriate teacher education and support using trialled and tested resource material particularly suited to inquiry based teaching.  Inquiry based teaching methodologies have been suggested as a way to encourage and engage students in science and mathematics by increasing their interest in science and also by stimulating teacher motivation. However, the widespread implementation of such a methodology will only occur with inclusion and participation of all partners in education, both formal and informal. ESTABLISH addresses this issue by drawing together over 60 partners from across 11 European countries to work together on a 48 month multidisciplinary project to encourage and promote the more widespread use of inquiry-based science teaching techniques in second level schools through appropriate teacher education and to adopt and trial actions to bridge the gap between the science education research community, science teachers, students, parents, local industry as well as policy makers in order to facilitate the uptake of inquiry-based science teaching. The outcomes of this project will firstly be a large team of teachers across Europe who are skilled and confident in their delivery of inquiry based teaching. Further outcomes will be the identification of suitable model(s) of teacher education, at both pre- and in-service levels, for inquiry based teaching and also identification of best practice in guiding change through all the stakeholders involved in science and science education. The rationale for this project lies in creating authentic learning environments for science by bringing together and involving all stakeholders that make change possible, particularly the scientific industrial community, policy makers, parents, science education researchers and teachers. Teachers themselves are active partners in this project both as developers, researchers and agents for change. In this way, real change in classroom practice can be achieved. In addition, ESTABLISH is committed to sharing and disseminating best practice in inquiry-based methods including, sharing teachers' experiences with existing and future science teachers through European teacher networks, conferences and publications.

Keywords: communities, second level, generate innovation, inquiry-based approach, collaborative

intervention, analytical skills, schools, teachers, gender, cultural differences, education policy,

curricula, effective pedagogy

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