1) There are two books as deliverables, one is 6.15 in English which is the one in WP6, led by Costas and Loucas, and the other is 4.6 which is in French and for which Michel has responsibility.

2) we foresee that there may be some key chapters which should be cross-translated and which could appear in both, however the idea is to have the French book closely aligned to their national system, so the two books are not directly equivalent

The following text is from Costas and Loucas who will be coordinating the 6.15/WP6 book:

Deliverable 6.15: Book and DVD on approaches to IBST/E implementation
Case Studies in Inquiry Based Science Teacher Education

As a major deliverable from the S-TEAM project, WP6 will produce a book with chapters drawn from across the S-TEAM work packages, in order to provide a definitive resource on IBST/E implementation for teachers and teacher educators. The book will be accompanied by a DVD with examples of good practice(s) in a variety of teaching situations.
All WP6 participants will have the opportunity to submit a chapter for inclusion (after peer review evaluation) in the book, based on their sub-package contribution: each partner will produce a training package which will be linked to their book chapter as well as additional material to be included in the accompanying DVD. The book and DVD will use case study approaches to the implementation of IBST/E and will highlight innovative approaches. There will also be chapters from WPs 4, 5, 7 and 8.
This document is intended to initiate discussion among the members of the editorial board about the structure and content of the book as well as the process for its development. The final version of the document will serve as a guide for the write-up and the review process of the chapters. We have written this draft version as a first proposal on the focus and content of the book based on the final version of the STAN and our discussions during and after the start-up meeting in Trondheim.

The focus & content of the book
As far as the book chapters originate from WP6 are concerned, we envision them to be a collection of case study research reports (CSr) describing substantial aspects of the design, development, implementation and validation of the training module(s) that each WP6 partner will be developing as part of their work in WP6, or its transfer from one educational setting to another. The book may also include a limited number of reports regarding case study materials (CSm) that will be used for the development of the case study research report. An example could be a complete detailed description of a single science lesson that can be used in training modules highlighting innovative aspects and the value they bring to IBST/E. It could also include a small number of guides of how to use CSm in teacher education courses. Contributions from other WPs can deviate from this format but they will need to also adopt a Case Study approach and include data from implementation activities.

Target Audience
The main aim is to provide the research and teacher-education community with examples of training programs and the data they were based on, how these worked and in what ways, how we evaluated and gradually improved them. We do not intend to produce another science methods book. We feel that at this stage of development of science education in Europe, we need to provide a book that addresses the science-teacher educator community, rather than only science teachers.

The book needs to be designed in a uniform way, avoiding a simple collection of chapters from different partners that are not really related. To do this:
1. We feel that it is important to initiate discussion among the editorial board for the next month or so, in order to agree on the basic guidelines related to the content of the book.
2. We can then share this view with the partners that will potentially contribute chapters and ask them for a short paragraph about the content of the chapters they are planning to prepare.
3. At a later stage, we can review how these chapters fit the description of the book and make revisions to the descriptions and/or provide partners with feedback on the direction of their chapters.

Proposed contents of the accompanying DVD

C. P. Constantinou
L. Louca
22 September 2009

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