Blog from May, 2009

News about STAN

Modifications to STAN - fewer deliverables, same products.

As of today we have agreed a revised deliverable list with Monica Menapace at DG research. The new list has 30 deliverables over the three years and is designed to be easier to manage. The deliverabilitypage has full details. S-TEAM veterans will remember PoDs, well, they have returned  as products, which are equivalent to the old deliverables.  So you still have plenty of work to do!


May 1st 2009

Official project startup date - thanks to all our partners in the consortium, associates and everyone who has helped to get us this far.

May 15th 2009

S-TEAM Wiki now open for business...

May 21/22 MIND THE GAP - two day project meeting in Lyon, full report next week!