
0900     Opening (Humberto Castejon, Heri Ramampiaro, Jon Atle Gulla)

0915     Sentiment analysis on finance news (Lars Smørås Høysæter & Pål-Christian Salvesen Njølstad,     NTNU)

0945     Evaluation of two collaborative filtering techniques (Patrick Romstad & Dag Einar Monsen,     NTNU)

1015     Web news applications with HTML5 (Amir Ghoreshi, NTNU)

1045     Contextual bandit algorithms for the cold-start problem (Nguyen Hai Thanh, Telenor)


11.15     Lunch


1215     Group news recommendation (Nafiseh Shabib, NTNU)

1245     Public library recommendation case (Ville Ollikainen, VTT)

1315     Building a large-scale news evaluation data set (Özlem Özgöbek, Ege/NTNU)


1345     Break


1400     Discussion

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