This page describes how to access your virtual Linux machines from a Windows Client, using putty and puttygen. There's two ways to achieve this. In both cases you will need putty.exe and puttygen.exe (Download here). From the link, either choose the .msi or the two standalone .exe files

This page expects that you've followed this guide 

Use the keypair created in Horizon

When you create a keypair in Horizon (the web GUI), you will end up with dowloading a .pem file. This file can not be used in PuTTy directly, and has to be converted to a format that PuTTy understands. 

Open puttygen, and select File -> Load private key

Navigate to the folder where you stored the .pem file from Horizon, select All files (*.*) from the dropdown, and open the file

Press OK on the info popup

Click Save private key

Click Yes in the following warning. This warning will not appear if you actually specify a passphrase for your key

Save the private key. Be sure to use .ppk as the file extension

The .ppk you now have generated, can be used with PuTTy to connect to your virtual machines.

Import a keypair generated with puttygen

If you already have generated a keypair with puttygen, that you want to import into SkyHiGh, you will need to extract the public key in OpenSSH format.

Open puttygen, and load your existing .ppk file (following the steps above)

Copy the content in the textbox Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file. This content should be pasted into Horizon in this step.

Your existing keypair should now be available in SkyHiGh, and you can use your existing .ppk when connecting to your virtual Linux Machine.

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