Refresh of Key Goals
- Award best master in microelectronics at NTNU
- Idea development and a discussion forum for professors and industry, with focus on project and master assignments
- Increase recuitment to microelectronics (both get more students to select microelectronics during their studies, and to increase the number of students that starts at NTNU)
- Increase the gender diversity within microelectronics
- Popularize what microelectronics is used for (why is it important?)
Actions to the board, MEF 2021
- Look into how industry provides project/master assigments
- Number of proposals needed
- Analog: Many proposals, few studentship
- Matching students to thesis
- Create a fund for publishing masters at conferences. => Done. Second step is to provide information that it's possible => Target 2023 for travel fund
Actions to the board, MEF 2022
2022-12-01 - MEF 2022
MEF 2023
- Date: 2022-11-30 Thursday 13-17
- Place: NTNU
- Schedule:
- 13:00 - 13:15: Arrival and coffee/tea
- 13:15 - 13:30: Introduction to participants
- 13:30 - 13:45: What problems do we want to solve that are suitable for project/masters?
- 13:45 - 14:05: Update from the board
- 14:05 - 14:45: TBD
- 14:45 - 15:15: Break and local meet and greet
- 15:15 - 17:00: TBD
- 17:30 - 20:00: Middag på
Guesstimate of attendees
- Trond Ytterdal
- Snorre Aunet
- Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg
- Bjørn B Larsen
- Lars Lundheim
- Thomas Tybell?
- Arne Midjo
- Tormod Njølstad
- Milica
- Nordic
- TI
- Microchip
- Silicon Labs
- Sony
- Ideas
- Novelda
- Touchnetix
- Revisit the meeting notes from last years MEF
- Decide what to focus on up until the MEF meeting
- Decide rough date for MEF meeting
- Suggest location for MEF meeting
- Øystein: Rough draft of "public media about IC something"
- Carsten: Make Wiki page for guest lecture overview
- PGK: Check internally at NTNU for topics
- PGK: Book rådsrommet
- Carsten: Add "Does and don'ts" slide for board update
- Carsten: Add SystemVerilog+analog to guest lecture list
- Carsten: Add årshjul to wiki for project masters
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