


The link to the Course selection Excel file can be found under "Courses and criteria for study program"

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (rudolfge)

    New version 25 Nov 2020 explaining the "Stat" indications in column D

    E-EconElective course - Economics
    E-EngElective course Spring - Engineering
    M25Mandatory course - Engineering - one from 70125/TET4115
    M26Mandatory course - Engineering - 70126/70049/70129 (=EWMOD)/TET4135
    M27Mandatory course - Engineering - one from 70127/TET4185
    M-EconMandatory course - Economics - one from TIØ4118/SØK3524
    M-EiTMandatory course - EiT, if at NTNU Spring first year
    M-ORMandatory course - Operations Research TIØ4120/4126/4130/ EW-MOD/…
    MRMandatory Specialization (Research) Project
    M-SpecMandatory Specialization Course
    MTMandatory - Thesis