Maritim og Marin IIoT - dokumentasjon

Below are the first drafts of the enlarged platform. In the complete assembly only the first pontoon design was used, since this is the only one that needed clamping. If The second design would be used it can simply be bolted straight to the frame like its predecesor.

This however would increase the time to assemble and dissassemble the ROV for transport.

Both of the new pontoon designs focuses on lowering weight to increase bouyancy, the first one utilizes 3d-printed endcaps held together with a singular threaded rod for the most even clamping pressure. To seal the pontoon, an o-ring groove is contained in the endcaps.

The latter idea focuses on simplicity by following the old design, firstly the rods have been reduced in size as the previous ones were over dimensioned. Secondly number of rods and the size of the plates have been reduced in order to shave off more weight, in adition a 3d printed ring will be bolted to the top and bottom to securely contain the tube during rough seas. Unfortunately by having only two clamping points on the tube, it may be necessary to glue this construction together in order to keep everything watertight.

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