Maritim og Marin IIoT - dokumentasjon

Following these steps when starting a new project can drastically help efficiency and productivity when working on a project.

This will ensure traceability, workflow and a reconciled situational awareness for the whole team. 

Tactical checklist


  • Brainstorm different concepts
    • What is the purpose of the project?
    • What problem does the project solve?
    • What will the project be able to do?
    • When will due date(s) be?
    • How will the project be developed?

Suggestion for Table to formulate concept


Considering technical attributes

  • Performance
  • Cost
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Power
  • Availability of components

Key assumptions check

P.S. Feel free to map your assumptions to ensure traceability. This goes for all assumptions and simplifications that are made.

This makes the team more aware of the implication in case an assumption is disproven.

AssumptionImplicationCaveatedPartially caveatedNot caveated




Impact-probability matrix - Risk management

An impact probability analysis starts with brainstorming when you ask yourself "What could go wrong?".

Afterwards you categorize every potential problems.

Low ProbabilityMedium probabilityHigh probability
Low Impact

Medium Impact

High Impact

Black swans

Fssa test - For comparing different ideas

For each question rate the project on a scale from 0-3 and add numbers together. Compare numbers at the end.

  • Feasibility - Is this feasible?
  • Suitable - Does this solve our initial problem?
  • Simplicity - How simple is the concept?
  • Acceptability - Is this solution acceptable?

Describing the system

  • Requirements
  • Constraints
  • Technical budget
  • Interface documents

Divide responsibilities within the team

Cost estimation

Schedule estimation

Multiply your estimate by 3. This will provide a more realistic timeline.

Testing and verification

  • Before test
    • Make a testplan
      • Goal of test
      • Approach of test
      • Ensurance of safety in test
    • Procedure plan (Alternatively)
      • Step by step

  • No labels