Ignition x CODESYS 3.5 guide

CODESYS 3.5 part:

  • First, you have to right click on application, then you navigate to add object and down to Symbol Configuration, as shown in the image.
  • Make sure that you have "Support OPC UA features activated. OPC UA is a machine to machine communication protocol.
  • Once you have added the Symbol Configuration you will get an option about which type of variables you want to "activate" (as shown in the picture), these are the variables you want to vizualize later on in Ignition.
  • If there are no variables showing, make sure to press the "Build" button in the same window(Symbol Configuration). These variables are the variables that, for example, show that a button is TRUE or not.
  • Before thinking about doing anything else, you should connect to a PLC.

Ignition part:

  • When you have completed codesys, you can start by downloading "Ignition Designer", here you will get different choices about license agreements, or you can run a trial mode.
  • This trial mod can be refreshed as many times as you want, where you have full access to everything from Ignition.
  • Website for Ignition download: "https://inductiveautomation.com/".
  • After downloading Ignition, getting through the first instructions, you create a new "main" window where you can start inserting components that match what you want to visualize.


  • When you have opened Ignition Designer, press the three lines at the bottom right of the program. Here you will be taken to a website where you can now start connecting Ignition to the same PLC that CODESYS is connected to, so that you can extract the variables that you are going to visualize.


  • Here you should navigate to "Config" on the left side of the website, and then navigate down to OPC Connections.

  • Now choose the "Create new OPC Connection..." option, after clicking on it, you will be presented with two choices. Here it is important to choose OPC UA, which is compatible with what was chosen in CODESYS.
  • When you press next, you must insert an "Endpoint URL", here you must insert a URL with the IP of the PLC. For example, this could look like this: opc.tcp:// Here it is important to include 4840 at the end, because 4840 is the standard port used for OPC UA servers, it is this port that OPC UA listens on.

  • Now you have to choose a server and select an Endpoint. Select the following that is equal to your URL. After Entering the IP to the PLC and giving it a name, it will try to connect. Once connected this will show:
  • If you get no connection, rebooting the PLC or making sure its on the same network will most likely solve the issue.

  • Once connected navigate back to Config again, and down to OPC Quick Client. 

  • Since you are now connected to the PLC, you should be able to bring up this option, where you can see what is running on the PLC. Here you can navigate yourself through the folders and find the variables you want to subscribe to and later retrieve in Ignition Designer. 


  • To subscribe, press the s as shown in the picture, then you will get the values of this variable at the bottom of the same page. This variable that is selected shows changes directly if there are any changes that occur, if you then choose to press a button, it will go from "false" to "true".


  • Now you can open Ignition Designer again, enter the environment you want to make changes and visualize. First go to "View" then "Panels", also open "Tag Browser"

  • When you have the Tag Browser opened, you navigate to the Tag Browser window, here you will be able to press a plus icon, select "Browse Devices". Here you will be able to find a folder from the WAGO you are connected to, navigate through the folders to find the variables you want to visualize. Select the folder that contains all the variables and click "add" then "OK".

  • Now you can find your variables in the variable list in the Tag Browser, here it says both Tag (the variable name) and Value (The state of the variable). To implement them into your visualization environment, you only need to drag the variable from the "tag" section onto your components. Once you have placed the variables on the appropriate components, you can press the run button to start simulation. Now everything that happens physically will also be displayed inside Ignition Designer.

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