The ROBOCLAW BASICMICRO 2x15A motor controller is utilized and looks as following;

For testing of the controller the following parameters from the datasheet(BasicMicro Datasheet, n.d.) is relevant;

Input Voltage24v - 32v
S10v - 2v
M1AMotor Left
M1BMotor Right

The schematic for analog controll was utilized (BasicMicro, n.d.). Then the schematic was change a little bit so that instead of using a 5VDC with a potentiometer, a voltage devider was utlized to lower the voltage range from the PLC down from 0-24v to 0-2v.

As shown below is after everything was connected,

Then the controller was programmed to work as a analog controller, the following steps are how to do so, (BasicMicro, n.d.),



BasicMicro. (n.d.). RoboClaw User Manual. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed: 28 May 2024).

BasicMicro. (n.d.). RoboClaw Datasheet 2x15A. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed: 28 May 2024).

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