8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020) will be held in conjunction with ECML PKDD.

Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines.

Please submit your papers through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=inra2020

Submission Types

Scientific Papers: We will accept scientific contributions in the form of short and full papers. Full papers must not exceed 16 pages and short papers must not exceed eight pages excluding references. Please, note that the reviewing process is single- blind. This is to facilitate access for application-oriented papers using data from news organizations.

Demo Papers: We accept papers demonstrating new systems that have been developed within the area of news recommender systems. Demo papers must be 4–8 pages long and must not exceed eight pages excluding references.

Pitch Presentation Abstracts: Pitch presentations aim to introduce brand new ideas and ongoing works at their initial stage. Pitch presentations give the contributors a chance to present, discuss, and develop their ideas in a relevant community. In this session, each presenter will have five minutes. Extended abstracts for pitch presentations must be 2-4 pages long, including the references.


INRA 2020 proceedings will be published in Springer open access proceedings together with other ECMLPKDD workshops.

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