Making a photogrammetry model based on images captured under water varies from above water on several areas. Considering this being a full-worthy study on its own, we will not aim to go into details here. We will rather provide you with some examples including a brief description of the project.

Keep in mind that all articles referenced here are available to you through NTNU licences. More information is available here, or through NTNU Open.

As always, be aware that we have only listed some possible examples and relevant articles. There are many others out there, so we highly recommend you to keep searching for even more information!

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M/S Herkules

The M/S Herkules sank outside Nyhavna in Trondheim September 16th 1957. More information about the wreck can be found at Dykkepedia on M/S Herkules.

Underwater vehicle used: Minerva ROV NTNU

Model: The final photogrammery model of Herkules is found at Stein Nornes' Youtube-page.

Related articles:

Comment: This is a well executed model. Compare it to the student project model discussed in the section about Short Sunderland EJ138 to get an idea of how the model may have been if no image post-processing had been applied.

Short Sunderland Mk. V EJ138 WH-Y

The Sunderland EJ138 was as a result of a mooring accident sunk just west of Munkholmen, Trondheim in 1945. More information about the wreck can be found at Dykkepedia on Short Sunderland EJ138.

Student Project TMR4120

Underwater vehicle used: ROV 30K NTNU

Model: The model can be seen in the GIF to the right.

Related articles: No articles were published from this project.

Comment: When making this model, no additional post-processing of the images were made before inserting them into Agisoft Metashape. As a result, the model is covered by a strong green shade. This is clearly seen when comparing to the model from Blueye displaying the same aircraft.

Blueye Robotics

Underwater vehicle used: Blueye Pioneer


Related articles: No relevant articles are found for these models.

Comments: A benefit of using the relatively small ROV Blueye Pioneer is it's possibility to get close to the wreck surfaces, limiting the issues relevant when capturing images under water.

Model from student project

Model from student project in the course TMR4120

Model by Blueye Robotics, URL: Short Sunderland

Additional articles

Here are some additional articles covering the topic of underwater photogrammetry.

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