Here are some helpful tips to improve your efficiency and comfort in GeniE.

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Change background color

To change the background color in the GeniE model viewer, press Alt + B.

Navigate in the model viewer

To move, rotate and zoom your model in the model viewer may be done using the buttons . However, having to click a button every time you e.g. want to move your model instead of rotating it is a huge waste of time.

Instead, choose the rotate button (or click F2), and use the Shift/Ctrl/nothing + Right mouse button to zoom, move or rotate your model, respectively.

Selecting elements

When selecting elements, remember to check off which elements you would like to be able to select (e.g. only joints or both supports and loads). This is done by checking off one or more of the following buttons.

To select several elements at once can done by holding down Shift while selecting the chosen elements.

Another approach is to Left-click and drag from either the right or the left side. When dragging from left to right, only complete elements inside the square will be selected. When dragging from right to left, any element that touches the square will be selected. Use this feature to your advantage!

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