These step by step preparations are made specifically to help you get ready for the Sesam course in TMR4195. Should you run into any trouble or have any questions related to the preparations, please send us a mail. Our contact info is found at About.

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HydroD course

HydroD course

The following programs are only available for computers with Windows as operating system.

Make sure you have the right license before you download the programs.

Download and install to your computer

  1. Go to . Select "Latest versions" on the top of the page.
  2. Download the following programs and follow the steps:
    • Sesam Manager
      1. Click on "Sesam Manager" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Next
        6. Install
        7. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Sesam Manager. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and see a green box.

    • Postresp64
      1. Click on "Postresp64" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Install
        6. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Postresp64. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and see a green box.

Go to Blackboard and download the following zipped folders:

    • HydroD setup 6.1
      1. Download on your computer
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Next
        6. Install
        7. Finish
      5. Now you have installed HydroD. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and see a grey box.

    • Wadam setup 10.1
      1. Download on your computer
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Install
        6. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Wadam. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and see a grey box.

    • NTNU 2022 HydroD (course materials)
      1. Download on your computer

3. Open SesamManager from the start menu

    1. Click on New job button
    2. Give it a name and press ok.
    3. Click on Import zip button
    4. Find the zipped file: NTNU 2022 HydroD . Then press Save.
    5. Click on the job in the flow chart, as shown below:
    6. If you get a warning on XtractActivity1, do the following:
      1. click on the XtractActivity1 box in the job in the picture above.
      2. click on properties tab
      3. scroll down to ProgramVersions and select Default in AVM

Now you are ready to start the course.

GeniE course 31.01.22 - 01.02.22

The following programs are only available for computers with Windows as operating system.

Make sure you have the right license before you download the programs.


  1. Login at and follow the instructions found under the subpage DNV.

Download and install to your computer

  1. Make sure you have a license on your computer. If not follow the license instructions above.
  2. Go to

Select "Latest versions" on the top of the page.

4. Download the following programs and follow the steps carefully! We recomend that you place the programs in a folder you easily can find.

    • Application Version Manager
      1. Click on "Application Version Manager" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Application Version Manager. You can check if the installation has been successful by trying to open the program on your computer.
    • GeniE
      1. Click on "GeniE64" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Next
        6. Install
        7. Finish
      5. Now you have installed GeniE. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and have this.

        Also try to open the program GeniE on your computer. If you dont get an error message the installations has been successful.

    • Sestra
      1. Click on "Sestra64" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Install
        6. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Sestra. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and have this.

        You will not be able to open this program on your computer. It is a supplement to GeniE.

    • Xtract
      1. Click on "Xtract64" and see that it starts to download
      2. Unzip the folder you downloaded
      3. Open the unzipped folder
      4. Double-click on the setup.exe file and click on the following:
        1. Yes
        2. Next
        3. I accept - Next
        4. Next
        5. Next
        6. Install Xtraxt report builder (check off the box) - Next
        7. Check off the box for 3D Plug in - Next
        8. Next
        9. Install
        10. Finish
      5. Now you have installed Xtract. The installation has been successful if you open Application Version Manager and have this.

        Also try to open the program Xtract on your computer. If you dont get an error message the installations has been successful.

  1. 5. You have now installed all the programs you need to the GeniE course!

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