Installing packages in Microsoft Visual Studio
Make a Python project
To install the necessary packages, we first have to make a Python project:
- Open Microsoft Visual Studio
- Select File → New → Project
Select "Python Application" and enter desired name for the project. Then press "OK". If you have not installed Python, open the Visual Studio Installer (marked red) and install Python.
- Visual Studio will now open your new project with a script named the same as your project
After we have made our project, it's time to install the packages. This can be done in several ways:
Packages, method 1
- Select View → Other Windows → Package Manager Console. The Package Manager Console will now open.
Type the following command into the terminal and hit Enter:
python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose
The packages are now installed!
Packages, method 2
Select View → Other Windows → Python Environments. Python Environments will then open.
In the dropdown menu where "Overview" currently is selected, select the "Packages" tab and you will see a list of currently packages installed.
Type in the package you wish to install in the search bar, e.g. "NumPy". Select the option "Run command: pip install numpy".
The message "----- Successfully installed 'NumPy' ------" should then be displayed in the Output window.