MATLAB is a computer program designed for technical calculations. Its name is an abbreviation of “MATrix LABoratory”. In this program, matrix computations are implemented in a straightforward manner. However, many other pre-programmed routines are available. In addition, it is possible to implement user-defined calculation routines. MATLAB allows users to implement calculations in relatively short programming time. When these calculations have been performed, they can be visualised by means of several plot-routines.

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How to download and install MATLAB

MATLAB is easily downloaded and licenced by following the instructions provided by NTNU Software (link).

Getting started with MATLAB

When getting into MATLAB, keep in mind that Mathworks have made some very good and detailed documentation on all functions and aspects within MATLAB (link here). We will therefore recommend you to start here when looking for a solution to your problems.

When first learning MATLAB, we recommend:

  • The "Getting started tutorials" provided by Mathworks.
  • The following MATLAB introduction course by Øivind K. Kjerstad. (PDFs, made in 2014, but still highly relevant)
    • Lecture 1
      • Getting started – Variables – Scripts – Basic plotting
    • Lecture 2
      • Functions – Basic programming – Line and surface plots – Vectorization
    • Lecture 3
      • Linear algebra – Polynomials – Optimization – Differentiation/Integration – Differential Equations
    • Lecture 4
      • Probablity and Statistics – Data Structures – Images and Animation – Debugging
    • Lecture 5
      • Symbolic math – Simulink
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