Oppgavenr.: BM15

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

Miscellaneous challenges and opportunities will be explored for novel building integration of solar cells on flat and nearly flat roofs and compared with today’s non-integrated solutions. Flat roofs, both for existing and new buildings, have a vast potential to be exploited for energy harvesting by solar cells where currently snow and ice accumulation represent a huge challenge in a Nordic climate, both for any horizontal solutions and for the existing tilted systems. As there exist no good solution of today, to be able to come up with much better and vastly improved solutions in this area is highly demanded by various stakeholders, including several project partners in ongoing and future NTNU and SINTEF collaboration projects. Activities may include one or several of the following methods: Literature and conceptual studies, theoretical work, modelling and simulation studies, innovation explorations, and experimental laboratory and field investigations.

Kontaktperson ved IBM:

Bjørn Petter Jelle (NTNU), bjorn.petter.jelle@ntnu.no

Gabriele Lobaccaro (NTNU), gabriele.lobaccaro@ntnu.no

Bozena Hrynyszyn (NTNU), bozena.d.hrynyszyn@ntnu.no

Andre kontaktpersoner:

Other persons as needed within NTNU and outside NTNU.

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