Contact/Supervisor: Prof. Nils Reidar B. Olsen / Dr. Hermann Moshagen

Bedforms play an important role in the determination of friction losses in alluvial rivers. Also, they affect the sediment transport capacity. Formulas and theory for prediction of bedform geometry an magnitude is therefore important in river engineering.

A theory for the formation of bedforms has been developed by Dr. Hermann Moshagen. The current project aims at verifying the theory with experiments in a small flume (see photo) at our hydraulic laboratory. The flume bed will be filled with sediments, and a constant water discharge and water level will be given. The development of the bedforms will be recorded with measurements, photographs and video. Variations in the discharge, water depth and possibly sediment size will be investigated. The results will be compared with the theory of Dr. Moshagen and other formulas for bedform geometries.

The master project will also include a literature study on bedforms and the theory predicting the size of dunes and antidunes.

The photograph shows the flume and Dr. Moshagen during intitial feasability tests in August 2022.

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