Pierre-Yves Henry – Jochen Aberle

Aquatic vegetation is everywhere in our streams, rivers and coastlines, and yet, their effects on hydraulics is often neglected or reduced to a set of simple bulk parameters. Aquatic vegetation is a living organism, thus characterized by complex morphologies and a dynamic interaction with its (hydraulic) environment. In direct link with past and on-going research, the proposed project would focus on analyzing a set of simple experiments to unveil some of the basics of vegetation hydromechanics.
The main tasks of the student would be to:
- Develop the image analysis and vegetation detection in Matlab/Octave
- Explore the vegetation’s hydromechanics by linking hydraulics, drag forces & coefficient, and plant position

Experimental set-up to investigate the vegetation hydromechanics @TU Braunschweig (J. Aberle)

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