Oppgave nr: BRANN3


With the growing demand for electric power and the suggested shift in charging by  consumption of electric power instead of just charging by consumption of energy there will be incentives for storing energy in buildings to level out the power consumption during the day. 

Short description:

Energy can be stored in several ways and the intention of this assignment is to map out as many relevant methods of energy storage in buildings and compare them with respect to the following topics:

  -Fire safety

  -Storage capacity/cost

  -Feasibility for new buildings and/or retrofitting

Examples on energy storage that can be assessed: Batteries, hydrogen, heat, flywheel, pressure, potential energy etc. 

The study will be a part of the FRIC Fire Research and Innovation Centre, and a key element in the centre is communication of the research findings. The candidate will therefore be invited to participate and/or present their work in relevant seminars and conferences national or internationally. The project will be linked to the FRIC project Building integrated smart technology.

Number of students: 

Contactperson at IBM: Anne Steen-Hansen, anne.steen-hansen@ntnu.no

External collaboration partner: RISE Fire Research

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