Oppgave nr: BPO6

Related topics: 

  • Energy Management in Buildings (e.g., TEP 4235)
  • Building Performance Simulation (e.g., TBA 4166)

Background for the task:

One of the benefits of building automation control systems is that they can help to achieve energy savings in buildings. Standard EN 15232 gives guidelines over the different levels of automation and expected savings for each level. However, this standard only generally describes functions to be implemented and does not take into account effects of climate zones. Therefore, one must carefully choose setpoints for the specific building type and location to achieve the expected savings.

Brief description of the assignment:

  • The goal of this project is optimizing setpoints for building automation control systems in residential buildings in Norway. Another goal is assessing the effect of automating the different systems mentioned in EN 15232 and whether it is realistic automate them (think about practical side of implementation, feasibility, costs, energy savings, etc.)
  • The tasks should be complementary to our previous work: ‘’The impact of building automation control systems as retrofitting measures on the energy efficiency of a typical Norwegian single-family house’’, see.

Number of students: 1

Contact person at IBAT:

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (mohamed.hamdy@ntnu.no).
  • Laurina Felius, PhD candidate at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (laurina.felius@ntnu.no).

External partners:

  • ENERSENSE is a strategic research area with focus on the nexus of energy efficiency, energy storage and sensor technologies, including automation.
  • The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre
    The Research Centre on Zero Energy Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN Centre) is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) funded by the Research Council of Norway and the consortium partners. The main objective of the ZEN Centre is to develop knowledge, competitive products and solutions that will lead to realization of sustainable neighbourhoods that have zero emissions of greenhouse gases related to their production, operation and transformation.
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